SGM Domenic O. Barbeiro
SGM Barbeiro is a native of Cranston, RI and enlisted into the US Army on July 23, 1997 as an 11B, Airborne Infantryman. SGM Barbeiro completed OSUT at Fort Benning, GA where he completed Infantry Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training, and Airborne Training. In 2009, SGM Barbeiro reclassified to 74D, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist and completed the 74D CBRN Specialist course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
SGM Barbeiro has served as an Infantry Team Member, Infantry Team Leader, Infantry Squad Leader, Rear Detachment Commander, Section NCO, Section NCOIC, CBRN Recon NCO, Information Operations NCO, J3 Operations NCO, Embedded Tactical Trainer, Operations NCOIC, First Sergeant, Instructor/Writer and student at the Sergeants Major Academy. Currently, SGM Barbeiro is the Deputy Assistant Commandant-Reserve Component SGM at the CBRN School.
SGM Barbeiro’s unit of assignment include C Co, 1st BN 505PIR, Fort Bragg, NC; B CO. 1st BN 508th PIR, 173rd ABN BDE, Vicenza, Italy; SETAF Augmentation Unit, Vicenza, Italy; 3747th MFTB-E, NCO Academy, Gafenwoehr, Germany; 772nd Civil Support Team, Longare, Italy; 102nd Training Div, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; HHC, 479th CBRN BN, Fort Totten, NY; 773rd Civil Support Team, Kaiserslautern, Germany; Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss Texas. SGM Barbeiro has also deployed to Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Poland.
SGM Barbeiro’s military and civilian education include the Dragon Gunnery Course, Airborne Course, Combat Life-Saver Course, Unit Armorer Course, Unit Safety Officer Course, Rear Detachment Commanders Course, Unit Prevention Leader, PLDC, Infantry BNCOC, Infantry ANCOC, Battle Staff NCO Course, Small Group Instructor Course, Army Basic Instructor Course, Air Assault Course, Civil Support Skills Course, Technical Escort Course, ATTRS Operator Course, Training Plan Development Course, OPSEC Course, HAZMAT Incident Commander Course, HAZMAT Technician Course, Permit Required Confined Space Course, Physical Security Course, USAR Training Manager Course, Antiterrorism Officer Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, SEJPME I and II, Sergeants Major Academy (class 72). SGM Barbeiro holds an Associate’s Degree in General Studies from Central Texas College and a Bachelor's Degree in Leadership and Workforce Development from the Command and General Staff College. SGM Barbeiro is currently enrolled with Park University pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Homeland Security.
SGM Barbeiro’s awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (2nd Award), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (4th Award), Army Achievement Medal (6th Award), Army Good Conduct Medal (4th Award), Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (3rd Award), National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (5th Award), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Airborne Badge, Air Assault Badge, Basis Army Instructor Badge, Italian Parachutist Badge, Hungarian Parachutist Badge, Tunisian Parachutist Badge, German Armed Forces Marksmanship Badge (Gold), German Armed Forces Sports Badge (Gold). SGM Barbeiro is also a recipient of the prestigious Honorable Order of the Dragon.