Distinguished Member of the Corps



Colonel Richard Jackson


Colonel Richard Jackson’s distinguished career has spanned over three decades.


Colonel Jackson applied the lessons learned and his field experience to facilitate major changes to Army decontamination doctrine. He performed an operational analysis that provided the justification for the FOX Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance System. As a Major, he briefed the analysis to the Under Secretary of the Army and Vice Chief of Staff of the Army to obtain approval for the requirement for the Army’s first modern NBC Reconnaissance System. As the Commander, A Company, 84th Chemical Battalion, he made major changes to the Chemical Officer Basic Course Program of Instruction, to better prepare Chemical Corps Lieutenants for assignments as Platoon Leaders and Battalion Chemical Staff Officers. While serving as Commander, Blue Grass Army Depot, and together with the Blue Grass Chemical Activity Commander, he made major improvements in the safety and security of chemical weapons stored at the Depot, and greatly improved community relations on chemical demilitarization issues.


Colonel Jackson authored Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense in the 21st Century, which reflected the lessons learned from DESERT STORM, and the opportunities presented by advances in information technology. It was used as a reference document for combat developers for many years.


Colonel Jackson is currently the program manager at LMI.