Distinguished Member of the Corps
Sergeant Major E.W. Phillips
During his three tours of duty in the Republic of Vietnam, Sergeant Major E.W. Phillips insured his men received the equipment they needed despite supply difficulties and, as Chemical Staff NCO of the 8th Infantry BN, 4th Infantry DIV, was cited for his initiative in planning and using CS powder and other agents to bolster base camp defenses against enemy sapper penetration.
One of Sergeant Major Phillips principle contributions to the Army occurred during the resurrection of the Chemical Corps following its de-establishment in the 1970s. He was a major architect in the restructuring and reorganization of the Chemical School following its movement back to Fort McClellan, Alabama. As a Senior Noncommissioned Officer at the School he became one of its primary instructors, sharing his knowledge with thousands of Dragon Soldiers.
Following his retirement, Sergeant Major Phillips has continued to serve on behalf of the Chemical Corps Regimental Association (CCRA) and as a civilian employed in DOTD Warrior, insuring that the Chemical Corps receives the material and training necessary for Force XXI.