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SGM (R) William Allen


Sergeant Major (R) William F. Allen III entered the United States Army in February 1997 and completed One Station Unit Training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He was awarded the MOS of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist.


Sergeant Major (R) Allen served as an enabler in numerous Combat, Combat Support, Combat Service Support, and Special Operations Forces over his career. His most recent positions included serving as the Command Sergeant Major of 23d CBRN Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Humphreys, Korea from March 2018 through January 2020 and Command Sergeant Major of the 48th Chemical Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas from February 2020 through October 2021. Sergeant Major Allen assumed his duties as the Senior Enlisted Adviser, Onsite Inspection and Building Partner Capacity Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency in October 2021. He additionally served as the Army Senior Service Enlisted Advisor for the Agency.


Sergeant Major (R) Allen has attended all levels of the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS). He is a graduate of the Military Freefall Jumpmaster Course, Advanced Airborne School, Air Assault Course, SOF SSE Operators Advanced Course, Battle Staff Course, Instructor Course, Technical Escort Course, and Force Integration Course for Seniors Leaders, as well as numerous other schools. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Chapman University and Master’s degree in Management from Liberty University.


Sergeant Major (R) Allen’s awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (2 OLC), Defense Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal (1 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (7th award), Meritorious Unit Citation (1 OLC), Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2 CS), Iraq Campaign Medal (2 CS), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, NATO Medal, Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal, the Combat Action Badge, Military Freefall Jumpmaster Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Schützenschnur (GOLD), and Dutch Military Parachutist Badge.


Click here to email SGM (R) William Allen for Mentorship