Hall of Fame



Brigadier General Peter D. Hidalgo


Brigadier General Peter D. Hidalgo was born on 21 November 1934. Graduating from the United States Military Academy in 1958 he served briefly as an infantry officer before transferring to the Chemical Corps.


During the Vietnam War Brigadier General Hidalgo served as a chemical operations officer with MAC-V. Following this he served at the Pine Bluff Arsenal as Commander of the Indiana Army Ammunition Plant. In addition, he was Director of Combat Development and Assistant Commandant of the US Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan. His final post was as Commander of the Chemical Research Development and Engineering Center, Edgewood Arsenal.


Brigadier General Hidalgo retired from active duty with the US Army in 1989. His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal and Legion of Merit.


Brigadier General Peter D. Hidalgo passed away in December of 2008.
