Hall of Fame
Major General William N. Porter
Major General William N. Porter graduated from the Naval Academy in 1909. He served with the Navy and the Army Coast Artillery Corps and then transferred to the Chemical Warfare Service 1921.
Shortly before Pearl Harbor, Major General Porter became Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service, a position he held throughout the war. Under his leadership, the Army’s chemical defensive and offensive capabilities deterred use of chemical weapons by the Axis Powers.
The Chemical Warfare Service also made significant contributions to victory through the use of the 4.2 inch chemical mortar with smoke, incendiary bombs and high explosives and mechanized flame throwers. After retirement in 1945, Major General Porter held important positions with industry.
Among his many awards were the Distinguished Service Medal, the Order of Leopold from the Belgian Government, and Award of Commander, Order of the British Empire.
Major General William N. Porter died in Key West, Florida, in February 1973.