Distinguished Member of the Corps



Mr. Jean Reed


Mr. Jean Reed was born July 25, 1939 in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He would commission into the U.S. Army in 1960 following graduation from the University of Oklahoma and would go on to attain the rank of Colonel during his 30 year career. He served in a variety of roles including being the program manager and Assistant Director for Weapons Technology at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). At DARPA, he was responsible for the Assault Breaker and Tank Breaker weapon demonstration programs, subsequently fielded as the Army Tactical Missile System and the Javelin medium anti-armor missile system.


Mr. Reed was appointed to the Senior Executive Service on December 27, 2005. During this time he has had principal responsibility for staff oversight of Navy research and development, Defense-wide science and technology, chemical-biological defense, and chemical weapons demilitarization programs. He was a principal member of the Committee staff team on the Persian Gulf War. He was also principal staff member for the Committee’s special inquiry into the chemical and biological threat and co-authored the inquiry’s report, “Countering the Chemical and Biological Weapons Threat in the Post-Soviet World,” published in February 1993.


Mr. Reed is currently Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense/Chemical Demilitarization, in the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs. He has responsibility for oversight of chemical and biological defense programs throughout the Department of Defense and destruction of the United States stockpile of lethal chemical agents and munitions.