Colonel James Harwell
Colonel James Harwell currently serves as the Senior Commander of Dugway Proving Ground and the West Desert Test Center.
COL Harwell is a graduate of Indiana University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He also holds graduate degrees in Policy Management (Georgetown University), Business Management (University of Phoenix) and Operational Art and Theater Planning (U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies).
COL Harwell commissioned as a Chemical Officer through ROTC in 1999. He has led Army tactical CBRN formations at the Platoon, Company, and Battalion echelons. He has also served in staff positions at the Battalion, Brigade, Joint Task Force, Service Staff, and Joint Staff levels.
Prior to his assignment to the Dugway Proving Ground, COL Harwell served as the Deputy Director of the Joint Requirements Office for CBRN Defense, Joint Staff J8, where he oversaw the development and approval of all Joint CBRN materiel and non-materiel requirements documents.