Distinguished Member of the Corps



Brigadier General Stanley H. Lillie


Brigadier General Stanley H. Lillie was born in Nashville, Tennessee. He would begin his military career of 30 years with Chemical Corps following his graduation from university with a Bachelor of Science. His work with the Japanese Military and government officials on a building project, saving the U.S. Army millions of dollars, as well as his public outreach facilitated the public’s appreciation of the military. Furthermore, his actions led to the purchase of land at Fort Bragg that both facilitated training and created a habitat for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker that led to its removal from the endangered list.


Brigadier General Lillie served as Commandant of the U.S. Army Chemical School and 23rd Chief of Chemical. In this capacity, he guided development of the concepts and requirements for dismounted chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) reconnaissance and sensitive site exploitation, emergency response and development of Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team capabilities, and the increasing the technical capabilities of general purpose chemical units. He also spearheaded efforts to reacquire proponency for Technical Escort training and secured funding for the First Lieutenant Joseph Terry CBRN Responder Training Facility.