CSM Paul W. Brown
CSM Paul W. Brown is from Santa Clarita, CA. CSM Brown is coming from Fort Bliss, TX where he served as Operations SGM for 2nd BDE 1st AR DIV from 2022-2024.
CSM Brown’s deployments include Iraq from 2003-2004, Iraq from 2007-2008, and then Afghanistan from 2011-2012 in support of the war on terrorism. Other assignments have included the 5th BN 20th IN REGT. at JBLM, WA 2002-2008. FT. Benning, GA. 2nd Battalion 54thIN REGT. from 2008-2010. 5th BN 20th IN REGT. at JBLM, WA 2010-2013. 2nd Battalion 351st Infantry Regiment at Camp Shelby, Mississippi 2013-2016 as a senior trainer mentor, 2nd BN 11th IN REGT Fort Benning GA 2016-2017, 3rd BN 81st AR REGT (HHC MCoE) 2017-2019. 4th BDE ROTC (Wofford College) 2019-2021 1st BN 1-35 AR REGT 2021-2022.
CSM Brown awards include the Bronze Star Medal, The Meritorious Service Medal 5 times, the Army Commendation Metal seven times, the Army Achievement Metal three times, the Valorous Unit Award, the Meritorious Unit Award, the Army Good Conduct Metal four times, the National Defense Service Metal, the Afghanistan Campaign Metal with one combat star, the Iraq Campaign Metal with four combat stars, the Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Metal with Arrowhead device, the Global War On Terrorism Service Metal, the Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with numeral three, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Ribbon with numeral three, the Non Article 5 NATO Medal, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Expert Infantryman’s Badge, the Air Assault Badge.
CSM Brown military schooling include the Army Air Assault School, the Combat Life-Saver Course, the Warrior Leaders Course, the Advance Leaders Course, the Emergency Medical Technician Basic Course, the Army Combative course 1-4, the Army Master Fitness school, the Master Resiliency Course, the Maneuver Senior Leaders Course, the Basic Instructor Course, the Small Group Instructor Course, Master resiliency trainer course, the Commanders 1SG course, the Master Educators course, and the Sergeant Majors course (USASMA).