Distinguished Member of the Corps
Colonel Richard Weiner
For over thirty years, Colonel Richard Weiner has served the Chemical Corps and continues to support the mission of the Corps. He helped transition the U.S. Army Chemical School from Edgewood, Maryland to Ft McClellan, Alabama and was responsible for the planning of the move from Ft McClellan to Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri.
During DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, Colonel Weiner served as the Chief of Chemical Assignments. He met the challenge of balancing the requirements with the extreme shortage of officers. As Director of Training, U.S. Army Chemical School, he orchestrated all the training at Fort McClellan. As Commander of the U.S. Army Environmental Center, he began a program to interface with the Army acquisition community to integrate environmental concerns for pollution prevention; operational impacts, and disposal.
Colonel Weiner has not slowed down as a civilian. He continued to serve the Chemical Community as primary contact for the Chemical School Strategic Plan once the School settled at Ft Leonard Wood.
Colonel Weiner is an example of the positive impact a Dragon Soldier can continue to make in their communities and to the Corps, in their retirement.