Hall of Fame



Sergeant Major Donald E. Brinkey


Sergeant Major Donald E. Brinkey was born in Marlette, Michigan on 2 December 1954 and entered the U.S. Army as a recruit soon after graduation from High School.


During his career in the Army, Sergeant Major Brinkey worked with the British Columbia Teacher’s Federation (BCTF) personnel and oversaw and integrated a total of twenty-one Warfighter NBC exercises while at Fort Hood, Texas.


During his service with the Technical Escort unit, Sergeant Major Brinkey managed several important operations. He also designed a special program for the U.S. Army War College Annual Crisis Action Student Exercise. This was the first time such a NBC intensive scenario was used.


Sergeant Major Brinkey’s drive to improve the Chemical Corps has resulted in vastly increased chemical preparedness.


Sergeant Major Donald E. Brinkey died of cancer on 17 May 1996.
