COL Anthony Gonzalez
Colonel (COL) Anthony Gonzalez is from Charleston, South Carolina, where he attended the College of Charleston, earning his undergraduate degree in 2002. He joined the Army in March of 2002 and commissioned in 2003 as a Chemical Officer through the Army’s Officer Candidate School. He earned a Masters of Environmental Studies from the College of Charleston in 2008 and a Masters of Strategic Studies from the Air War College in 2023. COL Gonzalez is enrolled in the Organizational Leadership Doctoral Program at Western Kentucky University and currently serves as the United States Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) School Deputy Assistant Commandant - United States Army Reserve (DAC-USAR).
As the DAC-USAR, COL Gonzalez is responsible for providing CBRN School leaders with guidance and subject matter expertise on CBRN functions and activities within the United States Army Reserve domain and communicating the Commandant’s objectives to the field through engagement planning and initiative development. As a primary advisor to the Army Reserve student population, he also offers guidance and professional development opportunities to assist with the navigation of CBRN courses and the associated administrative requirements.
COL Gonzalez is a graduate of the Air War College, Joint and Combined Warfighter School, Command and General Staff College, Chemical Officer Captains Career Course, and the Chemical Officer Basic Course, in addition to the Army Airborne and Ranger schools.
His previous field-grade officer assignments include: Strategic Planner for the Chief of Army Reserve’s Strategic Initiatives Group; Professor of Military Science at Wright State University; Executive Officer, Special Operations Command Army Reserve Element; Account Manager, Officer Readiness Division, Human Resources Command; Assistant Professor of Military Science, University of Colorado-Boulder; Executive Officer, Care Coalition (Warrior Care Program), Special Operations Command; Requirements Officer, J-8, Special Operations Command.
His awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, and German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge.