Maryland State Board of Elections Posts Ballot Drop Box Locations

The Maryland State Board of Elections today posted online a list of statewide ballot drop box locations for the 2020 general election as well as the dates each ballot drop box location will be available to voters. Once open, the ballot drop boxes will remain open until Election Day, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m.


Each Maryland jurisdiction will have at least two ballot drop box locations available to voters. The state’s most populous counties and the City of Baltimore will have additional ballot drop boxes to accommodate the greater number of eligible voters residing in those jurisdictions. Voters can submit their completed mail-in ballots in any drop box located in their jurisdiction of residence.


In all, 283 ballot drop boxes will be available at 282 locations around the state. Two ballot drop boxes will be available at Camden Yards in Baltimore. The 283 boxes include 277 secured by the Maryland State Board of Elections and six boxes that counties already had in their possession. Individual ballot box locations were proposed by the local boards of election across the state.


The complete list of ballot drop box locations is available at:


Eligible voters in Maryland have been mailed applications for mail-in ballots. Applicationsmust be received by October 20. Mail-in ballots will be sent to voters via first-class U.S. Mail beginning in late September and continuing in October.


In order to be counted, mail-in ballots must be postmarked no later than Nov. 3 and the oath on the postage-paid return envelope that arrives with the ballot must be signed. Those who choose to cast their votes using ballot drop boxes must submit their completed ballots by the final collection time – 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 – in order for their ballot to count. Just as with ballots submitted by mail, in order for ballots submitted at drop boxes to count they must be sealed in the return envelopes that accompany the ballots and the voter oath on the envelope must be signed.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Maryland State Board of Elections encourages voters to cast their ballots by mail and use ballot drop boxes. To make in-person voting safe, voters must remain six feet apart and wear a mask. To maintain proper distancing, the number of voters permitted inside a voting center at one time may be limited, which could result in lines and wait times.


Voters who choose to vote in person may do so from Monday, Oct. 26 to Monday, Nov. 2, including Saturday and Sunday, or on Election Day, Nov. 3. Early voting and Election Day vote centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eligible voters may cast their ballots at any authorized voting location within their jurisdiction of residence.


A complete list of early voting locations can be found here:  


A complete list of Election Day voting locations can be found here:


2020 Election Information: