by Tammie Moore, Fort Meade Public Affairs

Free Tax Filing Services Available at Fort Myer-Henderson Hall and MilitaryOneSource
FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. – It is that time of year again, W-2s have begun appearing in email and postal service mailboxes.
Fort Meade Tax Center operations were suspended last year due to pandemic conditions within the region.
This year, staff members modified operations so tax center services could be available to active duty service members, activated reservists, retirees, dependents, and Gold Star Families again.
“Tax services will be offered via remote facilitated service based at Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall,” said Lt. Col. Christopher A. Callicott, Fort George G. Meade staff judge advocate. “Taxpayers will work over the phone and via the internet with IRS-trained volunteers to prepare their taxes.”
This new tax preparation format leverages volunteers and streamlines the tax filing process in a safe, virtual environment.
“This is a great way for eligible clients to take care of simple returns with IRS-trained volunteers in a safe, convenient format, “ Callicott said.
“This process uses the same training and software as in previous years, just relying on greater use of remote technology to keep both preparers and clients safe.”
Customers will meet with tax experts on Microsoft Teams and Zoom as they navigate through the required tax forms.
In addition to the free services provided through the tax center, active duty military members can also file their taxes for free through Military Onesource with MilTax.
Service members can use the program through mid-October, which includes tax prep and e-filing software along with personalized support. Military OneSource also offers service members the option to call or use live chat to consult with tax experts.
In addition, the Fort Meade Legal Assistance Division can assist some eligible clients who receive tax notices from the IRS or a state tax department on a case-by-case basis.
To learn more about the remote tax services visit the Facebook page To schedule a virtual appointment with the remote tax center, email .
For more information MilTax or how to engage with a consultant, visit MilTax: Free Military Tax Return Preparation Services • Military OneSource .
To request assistance from the Fort Meade Legal Assistance Division with tax notices only, call 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.