Flushing Zone 7

On Monday July 19, 2021, American Water will be continuing their 2021 Annual Water Main Flushing Program. The purpose of the program is to provide the best quality water available to you the customer by removing any build up of sediment that may have occurred in the water lines. Flushing may result in the temporary reduction of water pressure and the presence of sediment in your water which can cause discoloration. These conditions are not harmful and should be of very short duration. During the hours between 8:00am and 4:00pm please limit your use of water to help prevent discolored water reaching your service lines to your residence. Should you notice an increase in discolored water at your residence please flush all cold water faucets inside for fifteen minutes. If the water does not clear up, please contact the Water Treatment Plant at (443) 591-0909. This number is monitored 24/7 365 days a year should you have any additional questions or concerns.

Areas that may be affected by planned flushing for Monday July 19, 2021 through Friday July 23, 2021 are:

Y St

Chamberlin Ave

Ernie Pyle Rd

Rose St

9 th St

10th St

13th St

14th St

15th St

16th St

18th St

Chisholm Ave

Mapes Rd

Streets adjacent to Llewellyn Ave, Ernie Pyle Rd, Reece Rd, and Annapolis Rd may see a temporary change in their water during flushing activities. Signs will be posted ahead of any flushing activities to notify customers.