Col. Christopher Nyland, Fort Meade commander, looks on as Dr. Calvin Ball, Howard County Executive, signs a Fort George G. Meade and Howard County Intergovernmental Support Agreement document during a ceremony at the Defense Media Activity building on May 18, 2022. Fort Meade began working with Howard County to develop an IGSA for stormwater engineering and construction services in the spring of 2021. The agreement could result in $4.1 million in savings over a 10-year period. (U.S. Army photo by Tammie S. Moore)
Fort Meade and Howard County team up for win-win partnership
By Sherry Kuiper, Fort Meade Public Affairs Office
FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. – Howard County and Army leaders gathered at Defense Media Activity on Fort Meade to celebrate the signing of the Army’s 100th Intergovernmental Support Agreement.
Fort Meade is partnering with Howard County Department of Public Works, Bureau of Environmental Services for solicitation of best management practice, stream restoration design and engineering, as well as construction support services in a partnership that could save the fort more than $4 million over 10-years while creating revenue for the county.
"This IGSA will generate a revenue stream for Howard County, and could save Fort Meade a significant amount of money per year in planning and engineering design cost for stormwater abatement projects," said Col. Christopher Nyland, Fort Meade garrison commander. "It strengthens our relationship with one of our key local community partners, and meets the truest intent of an Intergovernmental Support Agreement by serving as a win-win for both parties."
Howard County Executive, Dr. Calvin Ball agrees that everybody wins with this agreement because dollars spent on contracts for engineering design and repair of stormwater systems will now be spent locally rather than pulling from national firms.
“With our new IGSA, Fort Meade can access Howard County government consultants to contract with local firms for engineering design surveying storm water repair and retrofit projects,” said Dr. Ball. “Fort Meade has two projects planned, pond repair and stream retrofit worth approximately $3.5 million, which could potentially be awarded now to local firms this is what we call a win-win.”
Howard County has a minority business enterprise subcontracting goal of 15%. Dr. Ball says the IGSA will promote not only local businesses but also local minority owned and women owned businesses.
“This new agreement with Fort Meade is another step in the right direction ensuring more government dollars are spent locally,” said Ball.
Lt. Gen. Douglas Gabram, the commanding general for U.S. Army Installation Management Command attended the event marking the milestone, noting the teamwork that went into forming the agreement.
Intergovernmental Support Agreements were established through the FY13 National Defense Authorization Act as a formal public-to-public agreement between Army installations and their state or local government to provide, receive or share installation support services.
Since 2015, the Army has established 100 of the Department of Defense’s approximately 180 IGSAs. Through the 100 Army IGSAs, the Department of Defense has achieved over $28 million in savings annually and over $48 million in cost avoidance. Overall, the Army has seen an average of a 30% cost reduction since implementing IGSAs. Communities have also benefited from these partnerships by reducing their costs through economies of scale.
For more information on the Intergovernmental Support Agreement program at Fort Meade contact the IGSA Program Manager, Nathaniel Whitlaw at 301-677-7911.