The Command Information section provides news and information to members of the Fort Meade community by producing an array of products for our internal and external audiences.

Digital Meade is the cornerstone for maintaining, coordinating and synchronizing garrison communications across its many public affairs platforms. Put in place in July 2020, Digital Meade now operates as the public affairs center in making sure the speed and accuracy of useful information to the community utilizes all available communications technologies and platforms.

Although Garrison Public Affairs no longer publishes a weekly newspaper, Digital Meade maintains a news and information section, updated on a weekly basis with similar content previously published in the installation newspaper. But, that same content is repurposed automatically and published in other garrison communications platforms to reach other primary and interested parts of the Fort Meade community.

Digital News and Information

This part of Digital Meade contains important information for our installation community and spotlights the activities of Fort Meade's service members, families, and employees. The site includes information with appropriate graphics and photos in providing the community near-term information on events, activities and people. It is updated weekly.

Meade TV

MeadeTV's "Meade Week" is a bi-weekly program that highlights major installation events, service member achievement, and quality of life stories.  Viewers can access archived copies of the program on both the Fort Meade Facebook channel, and our Youtube channel at .  While the primary audience are those who live and work on Fort Meade, the larger regional community with interest in Fort Meade is served not only by our internet platforms, but local cable access in the city of Laurel, Howard County Community College, and Anne Arundel, Carroll, and Prince Georges Counties.  Video submissions from the more than 119 units and organizations on Fort Meade are always welcome.  Contact email: You can view the latest episode here.

Social Media

Fort Meade is active on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. Follow us on one or all of the platforms to stay up to date on everything going on in the Fort Meade community.

  • Fort Meade Facebook: Fort Meade uses the communications and connection power of Facebook to provide a useful platform for community members to have their voices heard, and ensure garrison leadership has another way to understand the important issues affecting the work and home life of Team Meade members. Our Facebook page allows us to share information in near real time with the community, providing updates that affect service members, civilians, contractors and their families.
  • Fort Meade X (Twitter): X provides a more professional approach to information sharing, using the limited character length to describe in more concise terms the happenings on base.
  • Fort Meade Instagram: Instagram provides a more image driven approach to storytelling, allowing us to inform the Fort Meade community in more relaxed setting.

Fort George G. Meade App (MyArmyPost) 

My Army Post is a mobile application that has been built by the Army Software Factory to support Installation Management Command

Get and share timely and accurate information about your Army Post; set your home post and most commonly used gates to get push notifications for gate traffic and closures! Get hours of operations for gyms, warrior restaurants, hospitals, PX/Commissary, USO, and more! Stay up to date on local weather, range conditions, road closures, and navigate to on-post facilities even when the only information you know is a building number, and all other important information you will need when on any Army post.


Google Play: 

This free app that allows users to receive alerts regarding gate operations, emergency events, weather delays/closures and more right to their phone. Users can also instantly report potholes, security concerns, stray animals and more with the push of a button. It is available in any app store and is approved for government phones.

Fort Meade Declassified

Fort Meade Declassified podcast provides a bi-weekly avenue to discuss a wide range of topics in a more personal setting, giving us deeper insight into topics affecting the Fort Meade community.

Fort Meade Declassified Podcast

For information on the Fort Meade Community Council, click here.