Fort Meade Shopper Wins AAFES Grand Prize
Fort Meade Exchange shopper wins grand prize in Army & Air Force Exchange Service sweepstakes
By PFC Elyssa Campos, FGGM Public Affairs
A retired Air Force Tech. Sgt. was awarded the grand prize of the ninth annual MILITARY STAR Your Holiday Bill Is on Us sweepstakes at the Fort Meade PX on Feb. 25, 2023.
David Rhodes, who served 20 years in the Air Force, was one of five grand prize winners randomly selected to have their entire MILITARY STAR card paid off. Since Rhodes had a balance of less than the $2,500 prize, he was given the amount in statement credit.
“I’ve never won anything this big,” said David Rhodes, retired Air Force Tech Sgt. “This is a blessing.”
From Nov. 1 – Dec. 31, 2022, shoppers were automatically entered into the sweepstakes every time they made a purchase on their MILITARY STAR card, totaling to nearly 5 million entries. Since the annual sweepstakes began nine years ago, MILITARY STAR has paid off more than $345,000 in balances. The Fort Meade Exchange was thrilled to celebrate Rhode’s military service with presenting him the grand prize.
“Being able to present him with this prize is a way to thank him and honor his 20 years of service to our nation,” said Dawn Holland, Fort Meade PX main store manager.
Rhodes has been a MILITARY STAR card, previously known as the deferred payment plan, holder for over 3 decades and shops regularly at the online exchange or takes the trip from his Pennsylvania home to the Fort Meade PX to shop in-person for his wife.
“I enjoy shopping at the Exchange because it is exclusive to military members, Veterans and spouses,” Rhodes said. “And the fact that I’ve never had a bad experience shopping at the Exchange in person or online.”