by Tammie Moore, Fort Meade Public Affairs 

The Department of Defense is assessing privatized installation housing to gain a more complete picture of resident’s concerns through emailed surveys and home inspections. At Fort George G. Meade both assessments are currently underway. The 2022 DOD Tenant Satisfaction Housing Survey runs through Feb. 24, 2022. (U.S. Army photo)

DOD assessing, seeking housing feedback

FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. – The Department of Defense is assessing privatized installation housing to gain a more complete picture of resident’s concerns and issues through emailed surveys and home inspections. 

Both of these assessments are currently underway at Fort Meade, the 2022 DOD Tenant Satisfaction Housing Survey is open through Feb. 24 and inspections of vacated homes on post have already started. 



All residents who moved into post housing before Dec. 8 should have received their survey via email from Jan. 11. 

“We value your feedback,” said Col. Christopher Nyland, Fort Meade garrison commander during the town hall meeting on Jan. 27. “This specific survey doesn't just come back to the garrison, just doesn't just come back to Corvias, it goes all the way up to the Department of Defense.” 

The survey, administered by an independent, third-party group, takes less than 10 minutes to complete. All survey answers are confidential, so residents are urged to offer honest responses. Personal data is not tabulated, and the survey does not identify residents. 

“In my perfect world we'd see a 100% participation rate,” Nyland said. “The more people who participate, the more valid the results are. So please, if you haven't done so already and you're resident here on Meade please complete that survey. If you've already completed it, please encourage your neighbors to complete it.”

The survey questions assess the residents’ evaluation of their home, community amenities, resident activities, the community maintenance team, and property management team.Survey responses help drive change. 

Army leadership used 2021 survey input to identify housing needs and target resources to achieve improvements. In addition, as a result of survey feedback leadership increased quality-control inspections, revised the incentive-fee structure, and used monthly progress-review calls to hold privatized housing providers accountable for the quality of living that Soldiers and families deserve. 

Any housing residents who have not received a showing survey should reach out to  



In addition to the survey the DOD is conducting third-party home inspections for all privatized military housing units across its U.S. installations. The inspections began Jan. 18. These inspections are part of the requirements established in the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act.

At Fort Meade the inspections began with vacated homes to provide inspectors a chance to become familiar with the types of construction and homes on the installation. 

“If your family has medical concerns related to COVID or any other conditions, please call the number provided and make those concerns known to the housing office,” Nyland said. “We can make sure that the appropriate mitigation measures are taken. For those who have elevated risks in their households we need those people to self identify.”

In the coming weeks residents will receive a notification outlining the process and an inspection date. For more information about the housing survey or inspections contact the garrison Army housing staff at 301-677-7748.