By Mary Doyle

Fort Meade seeking maximum participation in housing survey

Now is the chance for residents who live on Fort Meade to voice their opinion in the Defense Department’s annual housing satisfaction survey. The survey, which launched on Dec. 2, will be available for input for 45 days.


“We want to hear from you,” said Debbie Faux, Installation Housing Officer. “We want to understand how residents feel about their living experience here on Fort Meade. Whether you’re Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, Civilian employee, contractor, retiree and whether you’re living in family housing or in Reece Crossings, the Freedom Inn, or other barracks buildings on post, your opinion matters.”


Survey participation is voluntary, said Faux. “It’s important that we know how residents feel now so we can measure the impact of changes we have put in place over the last year and where we can still make further improvements. We know we still have work to do, but this survey will help us target where we need to concentrate.”


The DOD survey is administered, collected, tabulated and analyzed by an outside firm. Only one person per address will receive the invitation email to participate in the survey. All respondent information will be kept confidential. Names will not be linked to the overall feedback results shared with DOD or the results that DOD shares with privatized housing companies or other stakeholders.


The survey results will help inform plans for near-term and future improvements to housing, resident services and community amenities. “Survey results are a big part of how DOD determines how to improve the quality of life through improved housing and community services,” said Lt. Col. Stephen Ward, Headquarters Battalion Commander, and officer in charge of running and coordinating Fort Meade’s housing forums.


“Through the housing forums, residents communicate directly with the installation about housing issues,” stated Ward. “The housing survey is the one opportunity a year where residents can communicate directly with DoD.”


Over the last year, Fort Meade has held a number of town halls and has organized housing forums in an effort to hear resident opinions and suggestions as they relate to issues in privatized housing. The survey seeks resident opinions for both privatized housing and government run housing situations.


Fort Meade’s housing survey started on Dec. 2. If a household has not received their email containing the survey link by Dec. 18, please contact the Fort Meade Housing Office.