Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division
Provide subject matter expertise and specialized training in advance law enforcement and anti-terrorism tactics, techniques, and procedures supporting all services within DoD and select civilian law enforcement agencies with resident and mobile training team (MTT) capabilities.
ALETD is responsible for conducting eight programs of instruction designed to meet the diverse and unique training needs of these specialized functions. These courses provide commanders with trained personnel in special threat response and perform high risk personnel security. DoD agencies who desire training in these courses, with the exception of the Patrol Response to Active Shooter Train-the-Trainer Course and Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Train-the-Trainer Course, must meet prerequisites and coordinate directly with their supporting Army Training Requirement and Resource System (ATRRS) coordinator for quotas. Army law enforcement organizations who desire training in the Patrol Response to Active Shooter Train-the-Trainer Course and Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Train-the-Trainer Course must meet course prerequisites and coordinate with the Law Enforcement Tactics Branch by calling (573) 596-3013 ALETD Training Management NCO or (573) 596-2868 ALETD NCOIC .
Meal Subsistence:
All Soldiers attending training under school code 191 will be directed to subsist at installation dining facilities weekdays at no cost to the Soldiers, with standard government meal rate on weekends and Federal holidays. Meal deductions will be taken out via CAC Card for students in a TDY/ADT status except IRR Rapid Train-up soldiers.
Certificate of non-availability numbers will not be issued to Army MTSS students since lodging and meals are centrally funded.