Special Reaction Team Course Marksman Observer (SRT MO)
Course Description:
This course provides training for personnel performing duties as a member of an installation Special Reaction Team Marksman/Observer. Training provides instruction in techniques required for inner perimeter security, intelligence gathering, and if necessary, highly accurate and effective neutralization of hostile targets in high risk situations. Training includes scoped weapon systems.
Class Schedule and Prerequisites:
To get the most up-to-date class schedule and perquisites for this course follow these steps:
Press the "Search the ATRRS Course Catalog" button.
Click on the Course
Press View Course Prerequisites
Select your Branch of Service and Rank the review the course Prerequisites.
NOTE: All students must meet all of the prerequisites in order to attend this course. In the case a unit wants a student to attend this course they need to submit a waiver to the prerequisites.
For students attending this course, who need to request for waivers to any of the prerequisites listed on ATRRS, the unit will need to submit the waiver and get approval from the Director of Training and Education (DOT&E), United States Army Military Police School (USAMPS), Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8929 prior to the student arriving at training.
POC for submitting waivers is the DOT&E Operations NCO (573) 563-5561 or DOT&E Operation Officer (573) 563-7820.
Any student who shows up to training not in possession of the aforementioned documentation during in processing may be denied enrollment into the course.
Special Information:
If a student fails to meet course standards, he/she will have 180 days to return and complete the course to be a graduate. Student may resume the course at the point where they were eliminated unless 180 days have been exceeded. After 180 days, the course must be repeated from day one.
Units requiring Special Reaction Team Marksman/Observer training at their location may request a mobile training team (MTT). This request should be routed through the MACOM to Headquarters, Department of the Army, ATTN: G3 DAMO-ODO Provost Marshal Desk, 400 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310. Every attempt to fill vacant seats should be made prior to requesting an MTT.
Course length is 1 week (55 Academic Hours). Graduates must meet high qualification standards to graduate. The curriculum includes the following:
Marksman/Observer Concepts
Special Shooting Situations
Planning/Set-Up Tactical Operations
Observational Techniques
Effects of Wind and Weather
Marksmanship Fundamentals
Law Enforcement Sniper Weapon Systems
Shooting Standards:
Limited Visibility
50 meters supported
3 inch face target
Final Qual
100 meters
3 inch
A 3 inch template will be used to score various targets used in the course for qualification. When using the scoring template, all rounds must either strike the line or be inside of the prescribed area. Failure to hit inside these scoring areas will result in a NO-GO. Note: The students will have an opportunity to re-shoot each event failed: retest failures will be eliminated from the course.
Pistol Qualifications
30 rounds 9mm (2 pistol magazines)
Total Rounds
Controlled Pair
15 meters
6 sec.
Controlled Pair
Low Ready
15 meters
3 sec.
Controlled Pair
10 meters
4 sec.
Controlled Pair Conduct a Tac-Reload before repeating this table.
Low Ready
7 meters
3 sec.
Multiple Shots
Low ready
7 meters
3 sec.
Controlled Pair
5 meters
3 sec.
2 reload 2
Low Ready
5 meters
6 sec.
The shooter must score a minimum of 80% or 24 of 30 hits in the scoring area. Shots fired after time has expired are to be counted as misses. The only alibi's are for mechanical weapon malfunction and not for the shooter incorrectly performing immediate or remedial action. The target being used for scoring will be the Omaha-Q target.
The shooter must score a minimum of 23 hits in body and 3 hits in head scoring area. More than 4 head shots or more than 26 body shots will be counted as misses overall. The only alibi's are for mechanical weapon malfunction and not for the shooter incorrectly performing immediate or remedial action. The target being used for scoring will be the Omaha-Q target.
Written Examination: A written examination will be administered to evaluate the student's knowledge. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. No reference material will be allowed to complete the examination. In order to achieve a passing grade, a minimum of 94% (47 of 50 correct) must be achieved on questions 1-50. Any score less than 94% (3 or more missed answers) on questions 1-50 will result in a "NO GO". Four hours of additional training opportunities will be provided prior to re-testing.
Packing Lists: Students are required to have the following equipment/clothing to complete the SRT Marksman/ Observer Course. All necessary weaponry and equipment is provided. If the training is conducted during an MTT, the host unit is responsible for weaponry.
Current PT card and body fat worksheet (if applicable)
Current Weapons qualification for both Rifle (M4) and Sniper Rifle (M110 SASS)
Military Issue Combat Uniform to include approved service boots. Additional seasonal clothing (rain gear, cold weather gear, etc.) as needed (training lasts one week)
Note: The Advanced Combat Shirt is authorized for wear during the course
Military issue head gear (I.E. soft cap)
Canteen or Camel-Bak
Service Issue and Approved Ballistic wrap around eye protection (from the Authorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL) with clear and tinted lenses
Students with any special medical conditions that require prescribed medication are required to have it on their person at all times while attending training. (I.E. Bee sting kit, etc.)
Note: The students are responsible for informing the course cadre of any such medical conditions during in-processing.
·Pen and notebook (Students will not be given a paper student issue)
Sun block/bug spray etc.
Personal hygiene items
Questions and information concerning this course can be directed to the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division, Training Management NCO (573)-596-2090 or ALETD NCOIC (573) 596-2868 or email usarmy.leonardwood.mp-schl.mbx.dotaletd@mail.milL Request you put the course name in the subject line as well as your email address and phone number.
Graduation Dates:
Graduation will be at the completion of training on Friday afternoon of the 5th day of training. Generally around 1500 hrs. We highly recommend not making return flight arrangements on the day of graduation. It is a 2.5 hour drive to St. Louis from Fort Leonard Wood.
Transportation Issues:
Commands are encouraged to authorize a rental vehicle. The distance from billeting to the training area is such that walking is not an option. Students may be billeted off post and training areas are located at remote sites. Students must coordinate with their current command for rental car approval and orders must state "RENTAL VEHICLE IS AUTHORIZED". If a POV is authorized, ensure orders state: "IN AND AROUND MILEAGE IS AUTHORIZED". In and around travel of no more than 20 miles per day should be authorized if billeted on post, 30 miles per day if billeted off post. Taxis are available on the installation.
If driving, the most direct route is by Interstate 44 between Saint Louis and Springfield, MO. Fort Leonard Wood is located near the city of Saint Robert, MO approximately 140 mile west of St. Louis and 90 miles east of Springfield. Turn south off I-44 onto I-44 business spur at exit 161, the Fort Leonard Wood main gate is approximately 2.5 miles.
If traveling by air to St. Louis International Airport (STL); commercial bus lines are available for transportation to Fort Leonard Wood. Rental car from St. Louis: Exit St. Louis Airport to Highway (Hwy) 70 West. Continue on hwy 70 to exit 270 South (Memphis). Travel 270 South to I-44 exit west, Tulsa/Springfield. Continue on I-44 West (approximately 125 miles), exit at 161 to Fort
Commercial taxis are available on a 24-hour basis for transportation on post.
Billeting and Per Diem:
Billeting and Per Diem will be determined on the location of the course. Fort Leonard Wood billeting can be reached Commercial: 573-596-0999 or DSN:581-0999. Coordinate Per Diem issues with your unit prior to course attendance.
Where to Report:
Students initially arriving to attend the Special Reaction Team Marksmen/Observer Course must report to the Candlewood Suites (Bldg 2020), Fort Leonard Wood, MO (Map to BLDG 2020 and Range 14 below) on Sunday prior to the start of the course to obtain their in-processing packet. The Special Reaction Team Marksmen/Observer Course welcome letter is below, the dates will change but the instructions will remain the same for each class. Upon completion of in-processing on Monday morning, students will receive further guidance by the course cadre. In-processing will take place on Monday at Range 14 Classroom at 0615.
In the event inclement weather occurs on the first day of the course, students should call the Fort Leonard Wood SNAIR hotline at 573-563-4141 for reporting instructions or go to the Fort Leonard Wood – Maneuver Support Center of Excellence home page at http://www.wood.army.mil/newweb/. A link to the SNAIR report is found on the right side of the FLW website. Click the link “Today’s Weather Alert (SNAIR)” to access weather related reporting information.