
Welcome to the USAMPS Deputy Assistant Commandant - National Guard (DAC-NG) site. The DAC-NG is committed to ensuring that National Guard MP leaders and Soldiers coming to USAMPS receive top-quality, realistic training in an environment that prepares NG Soldiers and leaders to effectively perform their duties in MP units worldwide.


* Serves as the Senior National Guard Representative to USAMPS

* Serves as Liaison between USAMPS and the staffs of the Chief, National Guard Bureau; Director, ARNG; State Adjutant Generals and ARNG MP Units

* Answers inquiries from the field at

* Provides input on POIs, Force Structure Documentation and Development, Doctrine, Publications/Regulations, and any other Documents that may impact the ARNG

* Counsels and Advises ARNG Students attending USAMPS

For more information visit the DAC-NG AKO Portal or email