LTC Ronnie L. Mathis                           CSM Rex E. Bailey Jr.

                                    Commander                              Command Sergeant Major


795th Military Police Battalion transforms civilians into Soldiers of character trained in basic Soldier and Military Police skills required to execute policing, detention, and security mobility support across the range of military operations.


795th Military Police Battalion Lineage Constituted 23 June 1942 in the Army of the United States as the 795th Military Police Battalion. Activated 7 July 1942, at Camp Blanding, Florida 795th MP BN inactivated 30 May 1947 in the Philippines. Allotted 16 September 1986, to the Regular Army; Headquarters concurrently transferred to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and activated at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Inactivated 1 September 1999 at Fort McClellan, Alabama Activated 1 October 1999 at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Parents, Family and Friends:

In order for mail to reach your loved one in training, please use the following mailing format:

   Rank First Name MI. Last Name
   __Company, 795th MP Bn, __ Plt*
   7721 Iowa Ave, Bldg #**__
   Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
*Write the platoon number on the back of the envelope.
Company / Building
   A / 901
   B / 904
   C / 903
   D / 902
   E / 905


Graduation Information

Foreign National Visitors Information

Fort Leonard Wood Installation Pass Application  / Instructions for Pass Site

795th MP BN Staff Duty 573-596-0131 ext 62092

For more information email the 795th MP Bn