ACA accreditation is intended to improve facility operations through adherence to clear standards relevant to all areas/operations of the facility, including safety, security, order, inmate care, programs, justice, and administration. The Standards and Accreditation department’s staff facilitates the accreditation process from initial contact through assessment, contracting, preparation, the accreditation audit, and lastly the appearance before the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections for a final accreditation decision. ACA Standards Specialists work directly with facility or agency management to introduce them to the accreditation process, provide necessary documentation, assign and train auditors to each facility, and discuss with facilities the specific requirements of each standard
The Standards and Accreditation Department is dedicated to the field of corrections. The standards created and refined by the American Correctional Association represent fundamental correctional practices that ensure staff and inmate safety and security; enhance staff morale; improve record maintenance and data management capabilities; assist in protecting the agency against litigation; and improve the function of the facility or agency at all levels. The department’s roles include development and monitoring of the ACA standards, facilitation of the ACA accreditation process (formalized by the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections), and creating training and community resources to help facilities, auditors, and administrators access and implement leading correctional practices within their agency.
ACA Accreditation
Initial Reaccreditation
U.S. Army Military Police School Aug 2011 Aug 2027