Critical Incident Peer Support (CIPS)

The United States Army Military Police School (USAMPS) Special Victims Capability Division developed a Critical Incident Peer Support Course (CIPS) to assist Military Police (31 B, D, E and DA Civilian Police) and First Responders in preparing and understanding Critical Incident Stress (CIS), Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) trauma, and cumulative/chronic stress prior to being exposed to an incident.  CIPS is a peer-based program that has been preparing First Responders both on the battlefield and in the law enforcement environment for responses to catastrophic incidents such as loss of lives, serious injuries, traffic fatalities, child death cases and suicide. CIPS has been assisting with follow up for Soldiers after a response to critical incidents and a unit program that will fill the void/shortage of psychologist, counselors, and combat stress teams. The course is not designed to replace mental health services but to support the process. The lessons taught within the course include the dynamics of critical incident stress management, principles of critical incident stress, recognition of types, signs and symptoms of stress, identification of the critical incident stress debriefing process, implementation of a peer support program, functions of the peer supporter, psychological effects of critical incidents, causative impacts of critical incidents to First Responders, interpersonal communications, major crisis issues, crisis intervention and referrals to ensure the preservation of the First Responders’ health, welfare, safety and confidentiality. All CIPS courses are taught as MTTs which are funded by DoD FAP.

Waiver Request

Course Manager:

Mrs. Samantha Ferraro M.A., LPC


***CIPS is a MTT only course. Please contact the course manager for information on how to get a MTT scheduled to your location.