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                             LTC Steven M. Martin                 CSM Fred G. Killea
                                          Commander                     Command Sergeant Major


Transform civilian volunteers into U.S. Army Military Police Soldiers who are an asset to combatant commanders; provide the necessary and required training to become combat ready, disciplined, motivated, physically fit, and technically competent Warrior Police Soldiers and leaders inculcated with the Army Values and Warrior Ethos; capable of immediately contributing to the next unit's mission, and able to survive in any environment.


The 787th Military Police Battalion was constituted 12 November 1942 in the Army of the United States. Activated 28 November 1942 at Fort Custer, Michigan, reorganized and redesignated 5 June 1945 as the 787th Military Police Service Battalion. The Battalion inactivated 31 December 1946 in France and redesignated 16 September 1986 as the 787th Military Police Battalion and allotted to the Regular Army. Headquarters concurrently transferred to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and organized at Fort McClellan, Alabama. The Battalion was inactivated 1 September 1999 at Fort McClellan, Alabama and activated 1 October 1999 at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Parents, Family and Friends:

In order for mail to reach your loved one in training, please use the following mailing format:

   Rank First Name MI. Last Name
   __Company, 787th MP Bn, __ Plt*
   7542 Loyalty Loop Bldg #**__
   Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
*Write the platoon number on the back of the envelope.
Company / Building
   A / 939
   B / 937
   C / 936
   D / 934
   E / 932


Graduation Information

Fort Leonard Wood Installation Pass Application  / Instructions for Pass Site

For more information email the 787th MP Bn