
Welcome to the USAMPS Deputy Assistant Commandant-Army Reserve (DAC-AR) site. The DAC-AR is committed to ensuring Army Reservists who attend courses at Fort Leonard Wood receive top-quality, realistic training in an environment that prepares them to effectively perform their mission in Military Police units worldwide.


Serves as Deputy Commandant for Army Reserve responsible for ensuring that the Army Reserve's interests are fully addressed across the TRADOC domains of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Personnel Development, and Facilities (DOTMLPF).

This is achieved by advising the Commandant, Assistant Commandant and school staff on USAR policies and procedures, participating in the development and formulation of policies and programs that impact the Military Police Regiment in the USAR, integrating USAR unique requirements into all appropriate domains, reviewing TATS courseware, providing assistance/guidance on USAR related force structure actions, assisting USAR students attending resident courses and managing USAR support programs to USAMPS.

For more information visit the DAC-RC AKO Portal or email or call 573.563.6223