CDSE Launches New Training Video

LINTHICUM, MD. – The Center of Development for Security Excellence (CDSE) recently launched a new four-part training video to address insider threats and raise awareness of DOD policies concerning prohibited activities.

The Insider Threat Vigilance Video Series debuted in 2018 with season one titled, "Turning People Around, Not Turning Them In," to help audiences understand how to identify and report insider threat indicators. The videos in season one gave an overview of the insider threat program and its goal to deter threats and detect potential issues before an adverse event occurs. Season two, titled “The Critical Pathway,” followed a year later and focused on positive and negative outcomes.

“Honor in Hindsight,” CDSE’s newest season of the Insider Threat Vigilance Video Series, reinforces the responsibilities of service members and those requiring national security eligibility to recognize and report potential risk indicators.   

A recent report from the DOD Inspector General provided a summary of DOD prohibited activity data. Military departments reported 211 allegations; 183 referrals, investigations, and inquiries; 48 instances where service members were subject to action; and 112 referrals to civilian law enforcement agencies between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. 

“As with the previous seasons, season three informs on identifying concerning behaviors and the importance of reporting. However, with Honor in Hindsight, the intent was to avoid creating a narrative centered on a "bad" person,” said Amber Jackson, CDSE Insider Threat Curriculum Manager and leader of this effort. “Here we have a potential unwitting insider threat, or a potential insider with increased risk.”

Jackson pointed out that while the setting of season three may seem DOD-centric, the takeaways for reporting concerning behaviors translate across the board.

"All organizations are at risk of an insider threat, all organizations are at risk of insider exploitation via virtual interactions, and all organizations have a workforce made up of human beings who may struggle to deal with stressors, which may put them at risk of becoming a threat," said Jackson. "Industry also has a population of covered individuals who require national security eligibility; their responsibility to protect classified information must not waver."

Joshua Reese, a Department of the Air Force Counter-Insider Threat Program Manager, viewed a limited release of “Honor in Hindsight.” He appreciated the storyline concept and agreed it was a scenario in which an insider threat act could materialize.

Any viewer would sympathize with the root cause,” said Reese. “Everyone tried to convince him to stay positive, which I believe needs to be reinforced in workforce vigilance.”  

Ronald K. Stamper, Insider Threat Operations Hub Division Chief, Headquarters, Department of the Army, noted that throughout the story, there were multiple decision points with very human results.

“The videos present several stressors a soldier may face, both personally and professionally, and then shows how a potential insider threat can move down the critical pathway. [The soldier is] delinquent on debts, coming in late to work due to drinking, missing assignments, committing security violations, and starting to get involved with a group with less-than-ideal objectives. Unless you were close to him, you wouldn’t recognize any of the issues and the changes in him,” said Stamper.

Stamper said when unusual behaviors or actions begin; it is often difficult to overcome the culture in the military of “having your Battle Buddy’s six” and stressed the importance of proactive reporting and responses, and engaging in corrective actions to mitigate undesirable behaviors.  

Stamper added, “leadership should engage early, engage often, and allow the professionals trained in insider threat to get involved if needed. Insider threat training and awareness must be done at the Installation, the “grass roots” level, and reporting must be accepted in the Army’s cultural framework.”

CDSE endeavors to be the premier provider and center of excellence for security education, training, and certification for the DOD and industry under the National Industrial Security Program. These videos continue the tradition of excellence by pioneering products that tie policy with innovation.

Facilitation guides will be available for all seasons of the Insider Threat Vigilance Video Series at and could be used to support supervisor-led discussions for an organization or by facility security officers to promote training and awareness of insider risk. 

The Insider Threat Vigilance Video Series is available on CDSE’s YouTube channel at, or you can download the Insider Threat Sentry mobile app from your favorite app store to access the videos and more. 

Cashmere He, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency