Members of the Fort Belvoir Mayor Program met with Col. Joe Messina, Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Gregory Kleinholz, Fort Belvoir Garrison Command Sergeant Major, during their monthly meeting August 24. Photo courtesy of Alicia Luster, Fort Belvoir Ombudsman.
Connect with Your Mayors
Military Families are quite familiar with PCS season, which is winding down. It's a military Family way of life: move in, meet some neighbors, find common interests, develop new friendships.
For those Families that have just moved to Fort Belvoir, our housing community has a unique benefit waiting for to utilize: your village mayor. Mayors are Service members that have volunteered or been elected by the community to serve. The mayor is the one to plan exciting community events, such as outdoor movies and holiday decorating contests, and is also someone who can help connect you to on-post resources and services. In many cases, there is also a deputy mayor to assist in those duties. Mayors and deputy mayors work directly with the Fort Belvoir Ombudsman to assist in resolving resident concerns and enhance communication between housing residents and the garrison leadership.
Col. Joe Messina, Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander, talks with mayors at their monthly meeting Aug. 24. Photo courtesy of Alicia Luster, Fort Belvoir Ombudsman.
Wednesday, at the monthly meeting, Col. Joe Messina, the new Garrison Commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Gregory Kleinholz, Garrison Command Sergeant Major, met with the mayors to better understand the challenges of living in each village, as well as to learn the upcoming events that are planned for this fall.
The mayor program was established to give a voice to service members and their Families and foster a better sense of community within each of the 15 villages of Fort Belvoir. All residents are encouraged to connect with their mayors and deputy mayors. Below, you will find a ink to their Facebook groups and emails to connect.
Those interested in serving as a mayor or deputy mayor should contact Alicia Luster, the Garrison Housing Ombudsman, for more information at 703-898-1524.
Fort Belvoir Mayors
Village Mayor Deputy Mayor Facebook Group
River *Vacant Ms. Katey Houge Click here to join rivervillagemayor@gmail.com
Fairfax LTC Catherine Martinez *Vacant Click here to join fairfax.village.mayor@gmail.com
Belvoir COL Douglas Copeland SGT Jeremiah Aldrich Click here to join belvoirvillagemayor@gmail.com
Park *Vacant Ms. Elizabeth Rhoten Click here to join parkvillagemayor@gmail.com
Jadwin Loop CPT John Rhoten *Vacant Click here to join jadwinloopmayor@gmail.com
Lewis MSgt. Kalvin Moore Ms. Jenn Lindsey Click here to join mayorlewisvillage@gmail.com
Woodlawn CW2 Mathew Smith Ms. Nakeita Green Click here to join woodlawnvillagemayor@gmail.com
Dogue Creek SGT John Fors Ms. Maria Fors Click here to join doguecreekmayor@gmail.com
Vernondale SFC Joshua Unruh *Vacant Click here to join vernondalevillagemayor@gmail.com
Cedar Grove CDR Michael Margolius Ms. Michelle Gwin Click here to join cedargrovevillages@gmail.com
Rossell LTC Bill Redd LCDR (Ret.) Kristine Neeley Click here to join rossellvilagemayor@gmail.com
George Washington SPC Mike Thomas *Vacant Click here to join georgewashingtonmayor@gmail.com
Gerber *Vacant *Vacant Click here to join
Colyer *Vacant *Vacant Click here to join colyermayor@gmail.com
Herryford *Vacant *Vacant Click here to join herryfordmayor@gmail.com
By Fort Belvoir Public Affairs