Mission Statement: Support Soldiers and Families members assigned to Fort Belvoir during out-processing procedures and in-processing functions for incoming Soldiers, and Families. Ensure all Soldiers are In-Processed IAW AR 600-8-101. Liaison with Mission Partner Organizations and Directorates on Fort Belvoir to facilitate the 5 days in-Processing requirement, thus providing the gaining Unit with a Soldier that is prepared for training and/or deployment as needed.
In-Processing Information
Dear Soldier and Family Members: |
Welcome Center Location - (Behind Specker Field House)9625 Middleton Rd Hours of Operation Contact Us Website Assigned to Fort Belvoir? Need a sponsor?
Request a sponsor on Army Career Tracker. ✪ (can you create a link, so when they click on the Army Career Tracker, it take them to the website: https://actnow.army.mil/)
If you don’t have an assigned sponsor on the DA 5434, and you are within 60 days of arrival, please send an email to the Sponsorship email distro box, usarmy.belvoir.imcom.mbx.total-army-sponsorship-program@mail.mil.
Garrison Voter Assistance OfficeATTENTION: The 2022 Mid-term elections are almost here. It is time to make sure you are registered to vote in the state you have residency in. Visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program Website to request an absentee ballot and follow the instruction on the link for your state. For questions, contact the Voting Officer, Mr. Ricky McLean at ricky.d.mclean.civ@army.mi or 703-805-9263. Hours of Operation Contact Us Website