Belvoir Thrift Shop awards scholarships
The Belvoir Community Committee is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Thrift Shop Scholarship Program. Each of these winners have been awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
The winners of the Academic Achievement Award for graduating seniors are:
Kayla Nocerito, Lake Braddock Secondary School
Kayla Howerton, Mount Vernon High School
Riley Marsalis, Marsalis Academy
Elise Marsalis, Marsalis Academy
Alejandra Escobar, Hayfield Secondary School
These awards recognize and honor the scholastic achievements and community service of the winners and the contribution their military sponsors have made to the country.
The Belvoir Thrift Shop Scholarship Program is made possible through the hard work of our volunteers who regularly donate their time to the Thrift Shop, and the staff.
We wish to express our thanks to the Belvoir Community for its continued support of our work.
The Thrift Shop’s website is fortbelvoirthriftshop.org, which has updates and information.
The Belvoir Thrift Shop has been serving this community for 72 years.