The Housing Services Office is composed of three divisions, the Housing Services Office (HSO), Unaccompanied Housing and Army Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) Division. The HSO assists eligible personnel in finding adequate affordable rental housing in the immediate surrounding community's. Unaccompanied personnel housing is for junior enlisted service members that report to Fort Belvoir and are assigned barracks rooms under the First Sergeants Barracks Program (FSBP). The Army RCI and privatized housing partner is The Villages at Belvoir.  The Villages offers premier on post housing to eligible personnel and their families.  Each division has experienced personnel and is dedicated in providing excellent customer service to incoming active duty soldiers and their families.
The Fort Belvoir Housing Services Office is located at 9851 Harding Place, Bldg. 258,  Fort Belvoir, VA.

  1. Housing Services Office Division - The HSO offers individual off-post counseling and referral assistance; listings of local real estate brokers and property managers; listings of apartment and condominium complexes; review of leases and rental agreements; assist with mediating disputes between tenants and landlords; provides base information including area maps, handout material and brochures.
  2. Unaccompanied Housing Division - Unaccompanied Housing is managed by each Unit under the FSBP.   The Housing Division provides oversight and assistance to the Units.  Housing manages the approval of accounts for the Enterprise Military Housing (eMH) data base and monitors the electronic lock key cutting data bases for the barracks room key cards.
  3. Residential Communities Initiative Division - The RCI is the Army's highly successful Public Private Venture program whereby the Army has partnered with the private sector, The Villages at Belvoir, to privatize on-post housing.  RCI is truly about partnering with the private sector and meeting the RCI goals and objectives for a better quality of life for the active duty soldier and his family. The Army's RCI provides oversight and support services, liaison services, oversees tenant relations and protects the interests of the U.S. Government, Army and their families.


Visit the Fort Belvoir Resident Housing Portal to stay informed about the latest housing updates from DoD Leadership, Garrison Command Team,  Fort Belvoir Housing Focus Group and Town Hall Meetings.   

Quarterly Community Town Hall 

Quarterly Community Town Hall meetings allow our leadership to engage Service Members, Families, and other stakeholders in support of our enduring commitment to provide a safe and secure living environment on Fort Belvoir. 


For more information about Quarterly Community Town Hall click here. 

Slides for Community Town Hall can be found below: