Senior Service Branch Spouses visited Fort Belvoir's Armed Forces Wellness Center, March 16.
Fort Belvoir Wellness Center Hosts Service Senior Enlisted Spouses
March 16, the Fort Belvoir Armed Forces Wellness Center hosted SEAC's spouse, Mrs. Janet Colon-Lopez, along with SMA's spouse, Mrs. Alexandra Grinston, SMMC spouse, Mrs. Stacie Black, MCPON spouse, Mrs. Evelyn Honea, CMSAF spouse, Mr. Rahn Bass, and the MCPOCG spouse, Mrs. Carol Jones.
Also in attendance were Defense Health Agency Public Health Promotion and Wellness leadership and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital Leadership. This was the first time this group of spouses toured an Armed Forces Wellness Center together. The spouses were given a tour and capabilities brief by Ms. Nicole Leth, AFWC Director. The group then discussed how to promote the AFWC model across the Joint Force.
By Nicole Leth, Armed Forces Wellness Center