Fort Belvoir Environmental Division strives to be a leader in environmental, energy, and natural resources stewardship as an integral part of our mission. Environmental Division develops and manages environmental programs necessary to meet its responsibility to protect the natural environment and human health, fostering an ethic that will take us beyond environmental compliance to sustainability; strengthening the operational capability by reducing our environmental footprint through more sustainable practices.
Deliver environmental services and solutions in support of the Fort Belvoir's Environmental Program enabling our units, partners, and Senior Commander's readiness and sustainability.
Be an innovative, value-added, customer-focused partner, providing environmental services and solutions to the USAG Fort Belvoir community and to the Senior Mission Commander through expertise, communication, and partnering.
Fort Belvoir Environmental Division has a SharePoint page. Visit this site for important facility documents and program information. Link: Fort Belvoir Environmental Division SharePoint
- A DA Form 4283 for all new work/construction and upgrades to be submitted to:, Phone: 703-806-3109
- Only the facility coordinator is authorized to submit work requests.
- Proprietary approval
Projects are held on a (2) year rotation, previous and current year. If not funded within the (2) years, it will be cancelled and will have to be resubmitted. Please see Sample DA Form 4283 to begin the process: Sample DA Form 4283
PROJECT AND DOCUMENT REVIEWS: For information regarding project and document review procedures and timelines, see the NEPA Program section under the Programs and Documents tab.
For public review, the Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) for the proposed construction of a travel camp expansion with 30 recreational vehicle (RV) camp sites with full utility hookups; a camping support facility with laundry, restrooms, showers, and associated vehicle circulation roads and walkways at Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Comments or questions on the Draft EA and Draft FONSI may be directed in writing to: Environmental Division, Directorate of Public Works, Building 1442, 9430 Jackson Loop, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060, or by email to: Comments must be received no later than 30 days after publication of this NOA.
Phase III Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan
The purpose of this Phase III Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plan is to
comply with Part II “Special condition for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL” of the 2023-2028 General
Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4), No. VAR040093 issued to Fort Belvoir.
Download the Action Plan HERE
Environmental Division Chief
Spill Response & Reporting
Compliance Branch Chief
Hazardous Waste Program
Petroleum & Spill Response Program
Toxics, Asbestos, Lead, & Mold Program
Solid Waste & Recycling Program
Restoration Program
MS4 Stormwater Program
Industrial Stormwater
Drinking & Waste Water Program
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Program
Air Quality Program
Conservation Branch Chief
Wetlands Program
Cultural Resources Program
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) Program
Landscape & Forestry Program
Fish & Wildlife Program
Hunting, Fishing, & Water Recreation Program
Threatened & Endangered Species Program
Programs and Documents
MS4 Stormwater Program | 703-806-0022
Fort Belvoir has permit coverage for stormwater discharges that are not associated with industrial activities under the Virginia Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit. A copy of the General Permit can be found here. Part I.E., of the permit requires the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to meet the goals of six minimum control measures (MCMs). Fort Belvoir's MS4 Program Plan identifies BMPs that will be implemented to meet these goals. Additionally, an annual report is required to be submitted to the Commonwealth of Virginia that documents the progress that has been made during the permit year. Annual reports for the current permit cycle may be found below.
The MS4 Permit and coverage letter, the most current MS4 Program Plan, and annual reports are made available below to meet the permit requirements specified in Part I.E.2 for public involvement and participation. Public comment on the MS4 Program Plan is accepted throughout the permit cycle.
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plans require a public review and comment period of a minimum of 15 days as is specified in Part II.A.-B of the permit. TMDL Action Plans will be made available below for public review and comment when a plan has been drafted. Outside of the public review and comment period, TMDL Action Plans are available by contacting the MS4 Stormwater Program Administrator.
To report illicit discharges, improper disposal or spills to the MS4, complaints regarding land disturbing activities or other potential stormwater pollution concerns, OR to provide comments on any documents listed below, please contact the MS4 Stormwater Program Administrator via telephone at 703-806-3406, EMAIL or Facebook.
Permit Documents
Open for Public Review and Comment
Comments for the MS4 Program Plan can be submitted at any time via EMAIL.
Annual Program Plan
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plans
Annual Reports
2021-2022 MS4 Annual Report (September 30, 2022)
Technical Bulletins
Project Guidance Documents
Industrial Stormwater Program | 703-806-0627
Fort Belvoir has permit coverage for stormwater discharge associated with industrial activities under the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Industrial Stormwater Major Permit #VA0092771. Industrial Stormwater is defined as any surface water runoff that originates from contact with industrial activities. Examples of industrial activities are material handling and storage, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and industrial processing. Regulated facilities under this permit are determined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code as required by the State of Virginia. The permit provides for general requirements and sector specific requirements that must be met.
Fort Belvoir has a Master Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and each facility covered under the permit receives a Facility Specific SWPPP with Best Management Practices (BMPs) that the facility must implement. Facilities must report to the Environmental Division as specified in the Facility Specific SWPPP.
Fort Belvoir has specific water quality sampling and monitoring requirements that must be met in order to meet water quality criteria as specified in VPDES Permit #VA0092771, the 9VAC25-260 Water Quality Standards, permit specific benchmark requirements, and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) requirements.
Fort Belvoir Master SWPPP
BMP Fact Sheets
Drinking & Waste Water Program | 703-806-3408
The Drinking Water Program works to ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) for Fort Belvoir's Army owned and operated drinking water systems. This program works closely with DPW-Operations and Maintenance (O&M) which maintains Army owned and operated systems, as well as American Water which is responsible for operations, maintenance, and SDWA compliance for Fort Belvoir's privatized Community Water System. Drinking water is sampled regularly for bacteria, disinfection byproducts, lead and copper, Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rules, and more. See the documents below for annual water quality reports.
The Waste Water Program works to ensure compliance with Fairfax County code for discharges to Noman M. Cole Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTTP). The 1976 Sewer Service Agreement between Fairfax County and Fort Belvoir established that Fairfax County's Noman M. Cole WWTP will receive Fort Belvoir's domestic sewage waste. The Waste Water Program works with O&M and American Water to track sanitary sewer overflows, non-domestic discharge requests, and repairs/replacements of the sanitary sewer infrastructure.
Annual Water Quality Reports
Air Quality Program | 703-806-3766
The Air Quality Program works to improve air quality through the promotion and implementation of best management practices and permit requirements to reduce the amount of air pollution generated by Fort Belvoir's stationary sources. Examples of these stationary sources include back-up power emergency generators, boilers, document disintegrators, firefighting training equipment, and gasoline service stations. Fort Belvoir is covered under four different air quality permits issued by the State of Virginia which require continuous documentation of stationary source emissions and operation.
Hazardous Waste & Materials Program | 703-806-2119
The Hazardous Material & Waste Program manages the consolidation and disposal of hazardous materials/waste from the installation through building 1495. Building 1495 is a less than 90-day accumulation site which is operated in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 262.31. Wastes are generated primarily as the result of testing of commercial products to determine whether they meet government specifications; maintenance of Army equipment and property; medical facility operations; various research, test, development, and evaluation (RTDE) activities; and from expired or off-specification hazardous materials. Building 1495 staff works closely with numerous divisions, tenants, and units across Fort Belvoir that generate waste. The Hazardous Waste Management and Minimization Plan provides guidance on proper management and turn-in procedures of hazardous materials and waste on Fort Belvoir.
Petroleum, Tanks, & Spill Response | 703-806-3694
Fort Belvoir’s Petroleum, Tanks, & Spill Response Program manages all petroleum related issues on the installation. This includes registration, permitting, and inspection of Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) and Underground Storage Tanks (UST), as well as spill reporting.
The Petroleum, Tanks, & Spill Response Program is also responsible for hazardous chemical sampling and analysis of all soil, waste, oil and other types of samples taken at sites on fort Belvoir.
Toxics, Asbestos, Lead, & Mold Program | 703-806-0684
The Toxics, Asbestos, Lead, & Mold Program identifies and manages these substances in offices and other installation facilities. DPW Environmental Division does not handle these substances when they are found in installation housing. For all housing issues, contact the Housing Division (
If you believe there is a toxic substance in an office building or other facility, contact the Industrial Hygiene Service at 703-805-0068 to submit a Request for Service Form.
Restoration Program | 703-806-0030
The Fort Belvoir Restoration Program in conjunction with the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and in partnership with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) works to return areas of environmental concern on the installation to productive future use. Identified areas of concern on Fort Belvoir include former military munitions training areas; inactive artillery and munitions ranges; closed landfills with methane; environmental releases of chlorinated solvents and petroleum products; former small-arms ranges, fire training areas, sewage treatment plants, coal storage areas, waste disposal pits, coal storage areas; and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) releases. Emerging chemicals of concern are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) associated with the use of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) fire suppressants used to extinguish liquid fires.
The Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) at Fort Belvoir initially consisted of 240 project sites, but has been reduced to 43 active Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites and 19 Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites. The MMRP sites date back to World War I and II and are investigated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) with VADEQ oversight. The IRP sites are regulated under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B permit. The petroleum program manages tank, underground pipelines, and petroleum release site areas.
The goal of the Restoration Program is to achieve site cleanup, remedy, or closure with a focus on fostering installation sustainability through managed land use, acknowledging the historical military past, and encouraging policies that emphasize safety. The Restoration program works cooperatively with Master Planning, Conservation, Stormwater, Hazardous Waste, Engineering, and Operations branches at Fort Belvoir to ensure compatible land usage. Program information is made available to the public through an Information Repository that is maintained for public viewing at local libraries and in the Directorate of Public Works Environmental Office.
Documents Available for Public Review:
Third Five-Year Review for Fort Belvoir, Virginia: The U.S. Army, in cooperation with the US Army Environmental Command has completed the Third five-year review of fourteen environmental sites at Fort Belvoir, Virginia as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. Selected remedies at the sites consist of source removals with Land Use Controls (LUCs) including construction and excavation restrictions, groundwater use prohibition, signage, land use constraints, and long-term management consisting of annual inspections and groundwater monitoring.
The purpose of the five-year review is to assess whether a selected site remedy remains protective of human health and the environment. Issues that impact a remedial actions' protectiveness are identified during the review with recommendations for resolution.
The review evaluates the protectiveness of the remedies for fourteen sites pursuant to 2006, 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2020 Decision Documents (DD) and a 2021 Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD). The site areas evaluated under the 2021 Third Fort Belvoir Five-Year Review are:
Questions or comments about the Fort Belvoir five-year review process or interest in additional site information, should contact Sybille R. Vega at (703) 806-0020 or at The Final Third Fort Belvoir Five-Year Review Report is provided below:
Final Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection (PA/SI) of Per- and Polyfloroalkyl Substances at Fort Belvoir, Virginia: The United States Army (Army) has completed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and Site inspection (SI) for the current or potential historical use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with a focus on perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and erfluorobutanes-ulfonic acid (PFBS) at Army installations (installations) nationwide. The PA identifies areas of potential interest (AOPIs) where PFAS-containing materials were used, stored and/or disposed, or areas where known or suspected releases to the environment have occurred. The SI incorporates multi-media sampling at AOPIs to assess whether a release has occurred. The United States Army Garrison Fort Belvoir (FTBL) PA/SI was completed in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 and The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, and Department of Defense policy and guidance.
The FTBL PA identified 16 AOPIs (see below) for investigation during the SI phase. SI sampling results from the 16 AOPIs were compared to risk-based screening levels calculated by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for PFOS, PFOA, and PFBS. PFOS, PFOA, and/or PFBS were detected in soil and/or groundwater at all 16 AOIs; however, only 10 of the 16 AOPIs had PFOS, PFOA, and/or PFBS present at concentrations greater than the risk-based screening levels. Based on the PA/SI results, the majority of OSD risk screening level exceedances and, indeed the greatest exceedances, at FTBL can be attributed to historical and present fire station management and firefighter training activity, as well as fire truck maintenance activities. The FTBL PA/SI identified the need for further study in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 remedial investigation. The table below summarizes the PA/SI sampling results and provides recommendations for further study in a remedial investigation.
Questions or comments about the Fort Belvoir PFAS PA/SI process or interest in additional site information, should contact Sybille R. Vega at (703) 806-0020 or at The report is provided below:
Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol for Former Training Areas, Fort Belvoir, Virginia The U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC) has updated the Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol (MRSPP) at five former military training areas on Fort Belvoir, Virginia to assign the sites a relative priority for response activity. The Combat Range Complex, Infiltration Course, and the Fort Belvoir North Area Child Development Center (CDC) sites have been returned to Fort Belvoir inventory with land use controls; and munitions training/disposal sites M-33 and M-34 have been cleared for Military Construction (MILCON) redevelopment. Fort Belvoir is one of many Department of Defense (DoD) military installations throughout the United States that is reviewed under the MRSPP. This protocol is used to prioritize former munitions response sites with a potential for unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions or munitions constituents with regard to future actions. The MRSPP documents for Fort Belvoir are available for a 30-day public review period at Please direct comments or questions to Sybille R. Vega at (703) 806-0020 or at
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Program | 703-806-0021
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 requires every federal agency to include environmental considerations in planning and action. Army policies in Title 32 CFR Part 651, Environmental Analysis of Army Actions, and supplement provide Army specific guidance for compliance with NEPA.
Public and agency involvement is essential for collaboration and problem solving in Army planning. Such involvement demonstrates that the Army is committed to open decision-making and builds the necessary community trust that sustains the Army in the long term.
Environmental Project Review
To request an environmental review of your project, please complete the submission form and submit it to the NEPA program with your project documents. Current NEPA Program POCs can be found on the form. Comments are returned on reviewed packages after 10 business days. If you would like to request an expedited review, complete the request form and submit it to the listed POCs for review and potential approval by the Division Chief. NOTE: Expedited reviews are only approved when extreme project conditions require it.
Open for Public/Agency Review & Comment
Final NEPA Documents
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) Program | 703-806-3437
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was passed in 1972 to provide for the management of the nation’s coastal resources, including the Great Lakes. This act was established to preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, restore or enhance, the resources of the Nation's coastal zone for this and future generations. The CZMA is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which has developed the Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) to fulfill CZMA requirements. The CZMP is administered nationally by NOAA, but each state has an agency that serves as the lead. Currently 34 coastal states participate in the CZMP.
The Virginia CZMP was established through an Executive Order in 1986 and consists of a network of Virginia state agencies and local governments that administer enforceable regulations to protect coastal resources and promote sustainable development. In the state of Virginia, the lead agency is the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Together NOAA, DEQ, and their partners established the coastal zone for Virginia. The entirety of Fort Belvoir lies within the coastal zone.
All construction projects on Fort Belvoir must be evaluated by the installation CZMA Program Manager for compliance with all laws, regulations, and policies before work is approved. For more information about Coastal Zone Management, visit the links below.
Cultural Resources Program | 703-806-3406
The Cultural Resource Program at Fort Belvoir advocates that "the preservation of irreplaceable heritage is in the public interest" as determined by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Fort Belvoir's, "irreplaceable heritage" is represented by historic properties. These properties can be historic buildings, archaeological sites, structures, and viewsheds. The Cultural Resources Program ensures all historic properties are preserved in accordance with the NHPA and completes Section 106 consultations for all projects that have the potential to impact a cultural resource. For more information on Cultural Resources Management on Fort Belvoir, visit the links below.
Helpful Links
Integrated Pest Management Program | 703-805-3969
The Integrated Pest Management Program uses a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. This program reduces reliance on pesticides, enhances environmental protection, and adheres to all applicable laws, regulations, and current IPM practices and principles. For more information on pest management on Fort Belvoir, see the Integrated Pest Management Plan below.
Forestry & Grounds Program | 703-806-4142
The Sikes Act of 1960 requires all military installations to maintain a natural resources conservation program, which includes the protection of vegetation resources. Vegetated areas perform a host of ecological functions and support multiple societal, economic, quality of life, and aesthetic values in addition to providing military mission support. Healthy native vegetation cover is also an integral part of protecting water quality, enhancing watersheds and fish and wildlife habitat, and is essential for conserving biodiversity.
Fort Belvoir’s Forestry & Grounds Program maintains a healthy vegetation cover to ensure the future availability of land and water resources for military training and testing on the installation while providing high quality recreational opportunities for personnel and families. For more information on vegetation management on Fort Belvoir, see the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan below.
Wetlands Program | 703-806-3437
Healthy streams and wetlands improve environmental quality and resilience by protecting against erosion, alleviating flooding, improving water quality, and supporting the global cycling of nutrients. The Wetlands Program works to maintain and improve on-post water resources by implementing a watershed-based approach to planning management and by meeting regulatory requirements to preserve, protect, and enhance its water resources. Visit the links below to learn more about federal and state regulations protecting water resources.
Rivers and Harbors Action Section 10
Department of Environmental Quality, Section 401 Water Quality Certification
Fish & Wildlife Program | 703-805-3969
The Sikes Act of 1960 requires all military installations to maintain a natural resources conservation program in cooperation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and state fish and wildlife agencies.
Fort Belvoir’s Fish & Wildlife Program manages natural resources by using sound ecological principles to ensure a healthy ecosystem with high biodiversity. The Fish and Wildlife Program ensures all military mission requirements are met while protecting local wildlife species and sustaining the economic, aesthetic, and scientific value of the land.
Fort Belvoir is home to 43 species of mammals, 278 species of birds, 32 species of reptiles, 27 species of amphibians, and 65 species of fish. To manage these species, program managers focus on studying indicator species with conservation importance as a method of measuring environmental conditions. For more information about wildlife management on Fort Belvoir, see the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) below.
Rare, Threatened, & Endangered Species Program | 703-805-3968
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 was enacted to protect plant and animal species considered to be in danger of extinction. ESA provides legal protection to species listed as endangered and threatened, including protection of their habitats. Species listed as endangered or threatened are chosen by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and not by the Department of Defense or Fort Belvoir.
Fort Belvoir's Threatened and Endangered Species Program manages listed species while ensuring all mission critical actions are completed with limited or mitigated effects on species of concern. This program works with other government agencies to ensure the installation remains compliant with federal law without impeding mission readiness.
The Threatened and Endangered Species Program also manages bald eagles. While no longer protected under the ESA, bald eagles have been provided similar protections by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and state laws.
Endangered Species Act Information
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Information
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Species Information
Recreation, Fishing, & Hunting Program | 703-805-3969
The Sikes Act of 1960 requires all military installations to maintain a natural resources conservation program in cooperation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and state fish and wildlife agencies. The Sikes Act also allows for hunting, fishing, and other recreation opportunities on military lands.
Boat launches, fishing piers, and picnic tables are also accessible in Tompkins Basin.
Fort Belvoir fishing and hunting permits must be purchased in addition to state licenses. All fishing and hunting regulations, permits, access information, and maps can be found at
Public Events

Annual Event Information
These events are hosted annually by DPW Environmental Division. Specific dates are posted to the Fort Belvoir Environmental Division Facebook page and are published in The Belvoir Eagle. For more information about a specific event, reach out to the POC listed.
Butterfly Survey Group, April - October
Morning Session: 9am – 12pm, Afternoon Session: 1pm – 3pm
The Butterfly Survey Group meets twice a month on weekdays during the survey period. Volunteers travel specific survey routes to document any butterflies or dragonflies seen. These surveys are conducted in partnership with the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia and is open to all skill levels. To join, contact Monica Mundrick at 703-806-0048 or
The Virginia Bluebird Society, April – August
Cavity Nesting Bird Monitoring, 2 – 4hrs Weekly
In partnership with the Virginia Bluebird Society (, Fort Belvoir maintains two trails of cavity nesting bird boxes. These nesting boxes are typically used by bluebirds, tree swallows, and wrens. Eight teams of volunteers monitor each trail during the nesting season once a week on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. Volunteers visit each bird box to identify nests, eggs, and chicks, as well as to prevent pests and other invasive species from interrupting the breeding cycle of the birds. No specialized experience is required; however, a love of nature and a willingness to document findings is a must. Best suited for adults or families with children over 10 due to the location and height of the bird boxes and timing of the monitoring (early mornings, 2-4 hours/trail). For more information, contact Molly Kerr at
Wood Duck Box Maintenance, March
Approximately 4 hours
Wood Duck nesting boxes are cleaned out and prepared for the nesting season each March. To volunteer, contact Kevin Walter at 703-805-3969 or
Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, Early April
Family Friendly, Approximately 3 hours
Fort Belvoir hosts a cleanup site annually for the Potomac River Watershed Cleanup in partnership with the Alice Ferguson Foundation. To help us cleanup our shorelines, contact Monica Mundrick at 703-806-0048 or
Earth Day Celebration, Mid April
Family Friendly, 10am – 2pm
Fort Belvoir opens the Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education Center each year for Earth Day. Environmental and Natural Resources Specialists offer talks on various environmental topics and partner with other installation groups to provide an interactive experience including live animals and children's activities.
World Migratory Bird Day, May
Family Friendly, 11am – 1pm
Natural Resources Specialists table in front of the PX Food Court to raise awareness for migratory birds and great birding spots on the installation.
National Public Lands Day, Late September
Family Friendly, Approximately 4 hours
Each year a service project is completed in celebration of National Public Lands Day. Service projects aim to improve existing trails and wildlife habitat. To volunteer, contact Monica Mundrick at 703-806-048 or
International Coastal Cleanup, October
Family Friendly, Approximately 3 hours
Fort Belvoir hosts a site for the International Coastal Cleanup in partnership with the Clean Virginia Waterways program. To volunteer, contact Monica Mundrick at 703-806-0048 or
Christmas Bird Count, Late December
Family Friendly, Three Sessions throughout Day
Christmas Bird Counts have been conducted on Fort Belvoir lands since 1911. DPW Environmental continues this tradition by hosting an annual count in partnership with the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia. Three survey sessions take place on one day to count as many birds as possible to contribute to national bird count data. All skill levels are welcome. To volunteer, contact Monica Mundrick at 703-806-0048 or
Helpful Links
Government Web Links
Fort Belvoir Environmental Division SharePoint
Stormwater Program Reporting Form
Learn the Basics of Hazardous Waste
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Cultural Resources
Rivers and Harbors Action Section 10
Coastal Zone Management Act Information
Endangered Species Act Information
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Information
Army Public Health Center - Rabies
What you should know about rabies brochure
Non-Government Web Links
*The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this Web site or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and MWR sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this Web site.
Fort Belvoir Environmental Division Facebook Page
Underground Storage Tank Regulations
Aboveground Storage Tank Regulations
Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program Information
National Historic Preservation Act Information
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Section 401 Water Quality Certification
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Species Information