Fort Jackson's Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Cesar Duran, high-fives a student returning to Pierce Terrace Elementary School, Aug. 7. (Photo by Nathan Clinebelle)
Jackson students head back to school
Leader Staff Reports
“I’m delighted to welcome you, our students and families back for another great school year,” said Tom Brady, director of the Department of Defense Education Activity, in a video Aug. 4. “I hope you had a relaxing fun summer vacation. Our teachers, principals and district leaders have been working diligently to ensure” everything is in place.
Everything was in place and ready for students when they returned to school Aug. 7.
When students at both C.C. Pinckney and Pierce Terrace elementary schools lined up to enter their respective schools they met musical fanfare, high fives from post leadership and (above all) the hugs and cheerful welcomes of teachers and other school staff members.
The first day of school, “was a great day at C.C. Pinckney,” said Tamika Shadd, school principal. “The day began with students and parents enjoying the 282nd Army Band playing during the morning drop off.
During the school day, teachers and paraprofessionals discussed procedures, and began laying a foundation for the academic journey that all students will take this school year. We are looking forward to an extraordinary year for all students, parents, teachers, and paraprofessionals.”
For more information about C.C. Pinckney Elementary School visit: https://pinckneyes.dodea.edu/. Information about Pierce Terrace Elementary School can be found at: https://pierceterracees.dodea.edu/.