DSC_6367 copy.jpgThe 282nd Army Band serves the Soldiers of Fort Jackson as well as the surrounding communities. Through its various musical performance teams, the Band performs upwards of 300 times a year. Whether performing for Soldiers and their Families at one of Fort Jackson’s many Basic Combat Training graduations, or performing at a community outreach event, the 282d Army Band always lives by the motto of Fort Jackson: Victory Starts Here!

To request the band for an event, please call (803) 751-5272.

History: The 282d Army Band was first organized in 1869 at Richmond, Virginia, as the Band, 21st Infantry. In the years that followed, the Band received campaign participation credit in the Indian Wars, the War with Spain, the Philippine Insurrection, and World War II. After many reorganizations and redesignations, the Band received its current designation of the 282d Army Band in 1947. The Band ended up at its current home at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, on March 16th, 1956.

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