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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide increased visibility and awareness of known and unknown potential safety hazards to reduce community and workplace mishaps/illnesses. Through the use of the Army Risk Management Process and commitment from engaged leadership and each of our responsible workforce teammates.


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Lines of Effort

Installation Safety Office Lines of Effort (LOE)

* LOE 1:  Provide direct support related to conducting mishap investigations and trending focused on preventing the next mishap.

LOE 2:  Provide services related to unit safety programs for Fort Jackson organizations.

LOE 3:  Provide training and awareness events related to high risk operations and off-duty activities.

*  Decisive Operation: The operation that directly accomplishes the mission.

It is important that everyone training, working, and living on Fort Jackson participate in the risk management process. This awareness of hazards and how to react in controlling them are the critical elements to safe activities. Practical actions and competence are critical in the development of preventive measures.

Everyone’s participation is not only a right; it is fundamental in making the Fort Jackson Safety and Occupational Health management effective and efficient.

Everyone has the right/duty to:

  • be consulted on arrangements for the organization of the risk assessment and for the appointment of those undertaking the task

  • participate in the risk assessment

  • alert their leadership regarding perceived risks

  • report any changes in the workplace

  • be informed of the risks to their safety and health and of the measures necessary to eliminate or reduce these risks

  • be involved in the process of deciding on the preventive and protective measures to be put in place

  • ask leadership to put in place appropriate measures and to submit proposals to minimize hazards or to remove the danger at source

  • cooperate to help leadership in ensuring that the working environment is safe

  • be trained/receive instructions on the measures to be put in place

  • take care not to create a hazard for others

In addition, it is important representatives (unit safety officers) are trained so that they understand risk assessment and their role in controlling hazards.

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Important Links





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Winter-544x326.jpgFall/Winter Safety Campaign



Spring Summer Safety.jpg  Spring/Summer Safety Campaign






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Training-Courses-classroom.jpg    Safety Training Courses













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Munitions Safety

Munitions Safety

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