Army Community Service (ACS) provides the following programs and resources for service members their families, retirees and DoD Civilians: Army Volunteer Corps (AVC), Exceptional Family Member Progam (EFMP), Family Advocacy / New Parent, Financial Readiness Program, Information & Referral Program, Mobilization & Deployment Program, Relocation Readiness, Employment Readiness Program, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS).
The Army Continuing Education System (ACES) mission is "To vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services."
The Army Substance Abuse Prevention program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the Fort Jackson community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes. We are committed to understanding our supported units and their missions, anticipating what is needed to sustain mission readiness, and proudly serving as a valued member of the Commander’s battle staff.
As a Casualty Assistance Center (CAC), we coordinate Army casualty and mortuary operations and Military Funeral Honors for the state of South Carolina
Simply stated, our mission is to assist Army Families in an emotionally stressful time.
The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate mission is to provide legal support to the United States Army Training Center and Fort Jackson (USATC & FJ) by fairly administering the military justice system, providing quality legal advice and various legal services.
Directorate of Emergency Services (DES): Provide quality force protection, law enforcement, physical security, access control, Fire & Emergency services, and Police and Community Liaison Services to the Community.
Provide oversight on installation law enforcement standards and initiatives for personnel, equipment and training. DES provides support in the areas of Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, Physical Security, Surety,
Antiterrorism and Emergency Management to protect property and the workforce. The DES consists of Law Enforcement (LE), Physical Security (PS), Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) and Protection (P). Fire and Emergency
Services (F&ES) Branch covers Incident Command and mitigation of all Installation emergency responses, Emergency Dispatch Centers, All-Hazard response operations, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting operations, and Fire
Prevention/Public Education Programs.
Directs, coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates installation operations and training support activities, while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, force modernization, operational planning, and emergency operations functions to provide a focused operating and training environment for the Senior Commander and tenant organizations.
Directorate of Public Works (DPW): The DPW is the Garrison's primary element for maintenance of the installation, infrastructure, and the environment. DPW consists of five Public Works Divisions: Master Planning; Business Operations and Integration; Housing Management; Environment and Natural Resources; and Engineering / Energy.
Mission Statement
Provide our Army with Basically Trained, Disciplined, Motivated, and Physically Fit soldiers who Espouse the Army’s Core Values and are Focused on Teamwork.
Fire and Emergency Services guarantee a safe working and living environment, by providing our customers the most proficient fire suppression, emergency medical, technical rescue, hazardous materials intervention and fire prevention services. The Fire and Emergency Services will at all times maintain the ability to respond to our customers emergencies, protecting their life and property. Through continual customer contact the fire department management and employees will remain focused on the concerns of our internal and external customers, by providing an immediate correction, or avenue of correction for our customers based on their individual needs or situation.
Information about Fort Jackson's Exchange.
Administer the Installation's Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) programs to include Army Community Service (ACS) and Child and Youth Services (CYS) in support of active duty Service Members, Retirees, Civilian Employees, and Contractors, and their Families. Provide Family support activities and services; social, fitness and recreational activities that enhance community life, foster Soldier and unit readiness and promote mental and physical fitness; and wellness programs that directly support readiness and resiliency.
The Housing Services Office is composed of three divisions, the Housing Services Office (HSO), Unaccompanied Housing and Army Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) Division.
Visitors, contractors and vendors 18 years and older, entering Fort Jackson, who do not have a DoD identification card, will be subject to a background check before being allowed entry to the installation. Those who present a common access card (CAC card), Military ID, Military Dependent ID, Gold Star ID, or other valid DoD credential won’t be affected.
The various agencies within the Military Personnel Division are responsible for providing installation level personnel services to military personnel within Fort Jackson.
The Fort Jackson Police Division assists members of the Fort Jackson community by providing guidance on law enforcement, emergency response, and security issues. Protects the community with 24-hour law enforcement, force protection, and community assistance while maintaining liaison with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Defends good order and discipline by enforcing the rule of law and policies of the Garrison Commander and the ATC & Fort Jackson Commanding General.
The Provost Marshal Office is the chief law enforcement officer on the installation and provides the community with 24 hour police support to maintain good order and discipline, safety and security for all those who live and or work on Fort Jackson.
The Public Affairs Office supports the installation by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal & external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies- including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach.
Visit the Fort Jackson Recycling Center.
The Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program, known as SHARP, exists so the Army can prevent sexual harassment and sexual assaults before they occur. Our goal is to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual harassment by creating a climate that respects the dignity of every member of the Army family.
All personnel (including but not limited to active duty, retired, National Guard, and reserve military and their family members; Department of Defense employees and their family members; and civilians who are not affiliated with Fort Jackson) who desire to maintain, frequently use, or transport a privately owned weapon on this installation will register the weapon(s) with the Provost Marshal Office (within three (3) duty days if the weapon is to be stored on post or if the owner intends to use the MWR hunting areas or ranges).