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Medical Care


Medical Care Must Be Authorized

While on Victory Block Leave keep in mind that all medical care must be authorized in order for medical claims to be paid. 

Emergency care

Emergency care entails treatment for potential loss of life, limb or eyesight.

·        Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room

·        After your emergency has been treated, call Moncrief Army Health Clinic at (803) 751-2425 or (803) 751-2778 during duty hours to give them the information regarding your care (Name of Emergency Department, address, phone number) in order for your medical claim to be paid.

Urgent/acute care

Urgent or acute care is treatment that cannot wait until you return to Fort Jackson. Follow-up care for a prior injury does NOT constitute urgent or acute care. Before obtaining urgent/acute medical care from a civilian facility or provider you should contact the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273), option 1.  You may ask urgent care questions, get health care advice, find a doctor, or learn how to get care.  The nurse will give you advice on where you should seek care.  Alternatively, you may visit to chat with a nurse.

·        Go to the nearest Military Treatment Facility or Veterans Administration Hospital.  The Nurse Advice Line will assist you in finding care nearest to you.

·        Alternatively, you may call TRICARE at (800) 444-5445 to ask for assistance.

·        If you have any problems or questions, please call Moncrief Army Health Clinic Patient Services at (803) 751-2425 or (803) 751-2778 during duty hours.


If you are hospitalized at a civilian hospital, contact the DHA-Great Lakes at (888) 647-6676.  Select the Report Admission or Customer Service option and provide information regarding the circumstances. Your admission will be reported to the Patient Administration Office of the nearest Military Treatment Facility as soon as possible. Additionally, contact the Moncrief Army Health Clinic Absent Sick Nurse Case Manager at (803) 354-1867.


While traveling, a Soldier can have prescriptions filled at a TRICARE network pharmacy if he or she presents a written prescription and his or her military ID card. To find a TRICARE pharmacy, call (866) 363-8779 or visit online at

Failure to follow these instructions may lead to problems in paying your medical bills.


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Going AWOL can cost you dearly


Soldiers on leave who are tempted not to return to post should think twice before going absent without leave.

That extra day of vacation could end a career, halt privileges and even land you behind bars.
A Soldier who goes AWOL may be charged under Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Taking 30 or more extra days without authorization will mark a Soldier as a deserter – a second charge under Article 85.

In this case, authorities will issue a federal arrest warrant. The Army Deserter Information Point will post warrant information on the National Crime Information Center.

A DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee wanted by the Armed Forces) will be sent to all installations and police departments in the missing Soldier’s home of record, as well as to law-enforcement agencies across the nation.

Once a Soldier in Basic Combat Training or Advanced Individual Training returns to military control, their papers will be sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for out-processing.

All permanent-party Soldiers who go AWOL for more than 30 days will be returned to their assigned units and charged with desertion.

Soldiers must work together to prevent a colleague from going AWOL.

Units must maintain 100% accountability, reporting any offense within 24 hours.

Commanders must deter Soldiers from going AWOL and catch those who do.

Once a Soldier has been determined absent, the commander will call parents or the spouse.
After 24 hours, the commander will prepare an AWOL packet, which consists of notification of AWOL status to the adjutant general, finance office and military police. Then, the Soldier’s personal gear will be inventoried and turned in.

A Soldier gone for more than 30 days will be dropped from the unit roster. His name will be sent to the USADIP, becoming the responsibility of the Military Police. The Soldier will be charged with desertion and their name placed into the NCIC.

During any police stop, an officer can run a Soldier’s name through the computer to see whether the person is wanted. If they are, the officer will apprehend the Soldier, and the nearest AWOL-apprehension team will return him to military control.

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Substance Abuse

Don't mix drugs, holiday cheer


At long last, leave has come. Finally, you can relax and enjoy time with Family and friends. Make sure this time doesn’t involve using drugs – military code prohibits the use, and everyone receives a drug test upon their return to Fort Jackson from Victory Block Leave. Yes, this includes permanent party and trainees.  
The list of drugs forbidden by Army Regulation 600-85, Article 112a, Uniform Code of Military Justice comprises opium, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, methamphetamine, PCP, barbituric acid, marijuana to include any compound or derivative of these substance. The drugs hemp, CBD, “Spice” “Delta 8”, and “Bath Salts” also are banned.

Abusing illegal drugs and misusing prescription medication can get someone discharged from the Army with the “character of service” on your DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) listed as dishonorable or other than honorable. This discharge could limit the person’s future employment opportunities.

And this could be only the beginning of the tribulations one may face.  Veterans’ benefits, some civil rights, including the right to vote; and the ability to qualify for federal student loans can also be jeopardized.

If a post-leave drug test indicates prescription medication use, the unit will follow a system of checks and procedures designed for such a scenario, including scrutiny by a medical review officer.

The MRO will determine whether the drug use was legal – this is determined by if the drug or drugs were prescribed for you and used according to the prescription. Keep in mind, it is illegal to use someone else prescription medication. 

You are part of the U.S. Army, the most powerful force in the world. As a Soldier, you must uphold Army values at all times.

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Airport USOs

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What if?

What should you do if...

Contacts.jpgYou are involved in an accident?
Immediately call the appropriate local authorities.
Then, call your unit. (See contact numbers on left.)
You lose your ticket or reservation info?
Call Victory Travel during normal duty hours at (803) 751-1400.
You need to report back early?
Report to 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, 10550 Hampton Parkway. Call the battalion at (803) 751-7744.
You are approached by the media?
You represent the military, on or off duty, and may be approached for your opinion on a current issue. Here are a few tips to help you answer:

  • Be honest. Talk about your personal experiences, the value of your training and the mentorship of your drill sergeants.
  • Speak only for yourself, not for the command or other Soldiers. 
  • Don’t speculate about issues in which you are not involved.
  • Don’t discuss specific numbers, locations or dates of present or future operations.
  • Speak in terms familiar to non-military people. Avoid Army jargon and abbreviations.
  • Never say “no comment.”
  • Everything is on the record.
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