Our insider threat
Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are incompatible with the Army Values and the Warrior Ethos
The Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program, known as SHARP, exists so the Army can prevent sexual harassment and sexual assaults before they occur. Our goal is to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual harassment by creating a climate that respects the dignity of every member of the Army family. Additionally, we strive to:
- Reduce the stigma of reporting
- Protect the victim
- Increase prevention, investigation, prosecution and victim care capabilities
- Increase training and resources
- Refine and sustain response capability
Sexual harassment and sexual assault are inconsistent with Army Values and will not be tolerated. One assault is one too many. We must foster a climate of trust that respects and protects our Soldiers, civilians, and family members. We are aggressively implementing and expanding the Army's comprehensive Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program. SHARP is a commander's program. We are committed to ensuring engaged leadership at all levels to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Your options
First, what classifies sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, sexual innuendo, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Sexual assault and sexual harassment are not the same, although they are related to each other.
Two types of sexual harassment:
Quid pro quo
Refers to conditions placed on a person’s career or terms of employment in return for sexual favors.
Hostile environment
Sexual harassment occurs when a person is subjected to offensive, crude, unwanted, and unsolicited comments and behavior of a sexual nature that interferes with that person’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
What can I do?
In the event of sexual harassment:
In order to stop sexual harassment, the aggrieved is encouraged to make an informal sexual harassment complaint. Report the inappropriate behavior to your chain of command through your SHARP representative. If you are a civilian, report the behavior immediately to your supervisor, or to the Equal Employment Opportunity office.
If the behavior persists, file a formal sexual harassment complaint through your brigade SHARP representative. If you are a civilian, report the incident to your Equal Employment Opportunity office.
In the event of sexual assault:
1. Get to a safe place. If you are in need of urgent medical attention, call 911. If you are not injured, you still need medical assistance to protect your health. Evans Army Community Hospital and Memorial Hospital in downtown Colorado Springs can offer you immediate health care.
2. Contact your local SHARP representative, or call the Fort Jackson Sexual Assault Hotline at 803-543-3085.
3. To protect evidence, do not shower, brush your teeth, put on make up, eat, or drink, or change clothes until advised to do so. You, or your SHARP representative may report the crime to Army or local law enforcement.
Victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact law enforcement.
Restricted sexual assault report:
We value your privacy. Restricted reporting offers Soldiers and Family members (except underage children) the option to report a sexual assault without having to notify law enforcement and protecting the identity of the victim.
This option is only available if you report the incident to your victim advocate, medical care facility, or sexual assault response coordinator (SARC).
Unrestricted sexual assault report:
Unrestricted Reporting is the military’s preferred reporting method because it provides the widest latitude to help and protect victims of sexual assault. Through the unrestricted option, details of the incident are kept confidential and are only disclosed on a need to know basis. An unrestricted report triggers an investigation so that offenders may be held accountable and the safety of the victim is ensured.
Entitlements (independent of the reporting option)
- Medical care
- Counseling
- Pastoral care upon request
- Sexual assault forensic examination
Unrestricted reporting victims are also entitled to:
- Military protection order
- Legal advice
- Request transfer from their unit
- Law enforcement investigation into the incident
Need Help Now
On call 24-7 Sexual Assault Response Hotline:
Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community:
(877) 995-5247
Text (Inside U.S):
Text (Outside U.S.):
(202) 470-5546
(803) 397-2958
Veteran's Crisis Line:
1 (800) 273-8255
Website Resources
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Military OneSource
DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
The Army SHARP Program
The United States Army's Sexual Assault Prevention website.
The Department of Defense Sexual Assault Help Line. Provides anonymous help online, by phone or by text.
ArmyOne Source serves American troops and their Families; 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year; people can call in and speak to a consultant or go online and access information or email a consultant. 1-800-464-8107
National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response website.
Army SHARP and suicide prevention.
Army SHARP general information.
Pathways to Healing