The LRC provides Garrison logistical programs and services that enable activity and tenant readiness. These include: receiving, storing, issuing, and managing retail supplies; providing Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE); managing Clothing Initial Issue Point (CIIP); providing field (tactical) and selected national (sustainment) maintenance services; providing transportation management services; managing hazardous materials; providing installation dining facility services; and providing installation-level planning for mission, training, deployment, and mobilization support. The LRC consists of four divisions: Materiel Maintenance Support; Plans and Operations; Transportation and Supply & Services
Contact CIF
Central Issue Facility (CIF) Bldg. 2450 Marion Ave:
CIF Admin Office: (Inquiries & Appointment Scheduling)
(803) 751-6825/6807/6885
(520) 669-7395/5768/5238/5830
Email: usarmy.jackson.406-afsb-lrc.mbx.cifa@army.mil
BCT Issues & Turn-Ins: (Inquiries, Roster Submissions, and Chapters Part I of Part II)
(803) 751-6814/6894/5643
(520) 669-7565/5939/7778
Email: usarmy.jackson.406-afsb-lrc.mbx.cif-iet@army.mil
Reclassification: (IET Chapters Part II of Part II)
(803) 751-7904/7635
(520) 669-8169/5832
Key Personnel
Key Personnel:
The Director of LRC may be reached at:
3295 Alsace Street
Fort Jackson, SC. 29207
(803) 751-7642
The Chief of Materiel Maintenance Support:
2602 Liberty Division Rd
Fort Jackson, SC. 29207
(803) 751-4303
The Chief of Plans and Operations:
3295 Alsace Street
Fort Jackson, SC. 29207
(803) 751-5629
The Chief of Transportation:
2606 Liberty Division Street
Fort Jackson, SC. 29207
(803) 751-7317
The Chief of Supply and Service:
3295 Alsace Street
Fort Jackson, SC. 29207
(803) 751-4013
Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Directory