The Public Affairs Office (PAO) supports the garrison by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal & external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies - including Media Relations, Community Relations, and Command Information products.
PAO Products:
Media Relations:
Responds to media queries, conducts press conferences, produces media advisories, escorts media, and assists with the dissemination of information to service members and their families employees on post and to people living in local communities. We ask that anyone acting in a professional media capacity contact public affairs to obtain information or set up interviews with experts. This will ensure that information is factual and accurate.
Community Relations:
Fort Leavenworth and the Combined Arms Center regularly supports a wide variety of community relations and is proud of the relationship we maintain with our community partners. Please follow the instructions below if you are interested in requesting the Fort Leavenworth Unit participation in your event.
To request military participation or display items for your organization or special event:
1. Open the DD Form 2536.
2. Save the form to your computer. Complete the form and save again.
3. Email the completed form to usarmy.leavenworth.cac.mbx.cac-hq-pao@army.mil
NOTE: You MUST complete and submit the form a minimum of 120 days (16 weeks) prior to your event. Requests received inside this window may not be considered as most require a legal review and direct coordination with units. We do ask that you be respectful and understanding of this policy, as it allows our Soldiers ample time to work community events into their training plans.
Please keep in mind that if your event occurs on a weekend or outside the normal duty day it may be difficult to support.
Command Information:
We provide a weekly civilian enterprise newspaper titled "The Fort Leavenworth Lamp." Send requests for postings in the Lamp to ftlvlampeditor@gmail.com
Other Command Information products:
- This garrison public website
- Official Public Affairs social media sites
- On post mass emailing
- Marquee (corner of Grant Ave. and Cody Road).
- This garrison public website
- Official Public Affairs social media sites
- On post mass emailing
- Marquee (corner of Grant Ave. and Cody Road).
Annual Fort Leavenworth Statistics:
This documents below contain the demographic figures of the community during the Fiscal Year which goes from October 1 to September 30.
- FY24 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY22 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY21 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY20 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY19 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY18 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY17 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY16 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY15 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY14 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY13 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY12 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY11 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY10 Fort Leavenworth Statistics
- FY09 Fort Leavenworth Statistics