What we do for you:
We assist service members and their families in their transition to retirement and to keep them updated on their benefits and entitlements after retirement. This includes active duty, retirees, spouses, dependents, widows, widowers, former spouses, and veterans.
A primary element of retirement services is to provide counseling on the Career Status Bonus (CSB), Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and Reserve Component SBP.
Customers are seen by appointment only. We strongly discourage 'walk-ins'.
Please call (913) 684-5583 or e-mail usarmy.leavenworth.imcom.mbx.retirements@army.mil to schedule an appointment.

What you can do for us:
For faster response, email us (see above) with your questions.
Use the following subject lines depending on your questions:
Survivor Benefits Program (SBP) or counseling - "SBP, Rank and Last Name"
Pre-Retirement / Transition Brief - "Pre-Brief Rank and Last Name"

After emailing, if you are not contacted within 3 business days, please call.

After retirement, contact us for benefits assistance and for special program items such as the Retiree Council meetings and our annual Retiree Appreciation Day.


Helpful Links:​​​​​