What we do for you:
The Army Emergency Management (EM) Program is responsible for all activities and operations related to preparing for, mitigating the potential effects of, preventing, responding to, and recovering from all multi-agency and / or multi-jurisdictional emergencies on or impacting Army installations. (DA PAM 525–27)

Emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters.

What you can do for us:
It is vital that everyone who lives and works here on For Leavenworth understand their individual and organization responsibilities when it comes to dealing with hazardous weather in the spring or winter seasons.

The Ready Army website is a great resource on how to prepare for severe weather and other types of emergencies. Be Informed, Make A Plan, Build a Kit and Get Involved.

Hazardous Weather Notification on post:

IMPORTANT: Official notification is via YOUR chain of command!

Weather forecasts are tracked by the Emergency Management team.  Personnel on Fort Leavenworth will be notified of any weather emergency.

These notifications are accomplished in numerous ways:
- ALERT - Employee computer desktop, telephone and mass email alerts.
- This official website, to include the official Facebook page, will also provide current information.

During periods of hazardous weather, the Post Status page will have information on employee work schedule, gate status and unsafe post road conditions.

On post schools (USD 207) - Has separate decision authority. Call (913) 651-7373 for latest updates or visit their website: http://www.usd207.org/