Privately Owned Weapons
In New York it is a criminal offense, punishable by a year in jail and a $1,000 fine, to possess a privately owned handgun in your residence, vehicle or on your person unless you have been issued a New York state pistol permit.
The only exception is for unloaded antique and replica muzzle-loading pistols and cap-and-ball revolvers.
All personnel, Soldiers, and family members residing on the Fort Drum military installation must register all privately owned weapons in their possession within 72 hours of permanent unit assignment or acceptance of installation housing.
All personnel bringing weapons onto Fort Drum and Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield (WSAAF) main cantonment areas for the purpose of engaging in authorized activities such as skeet shooting and marksmanship events must first register their weapons before bringing them on the installation. Personnel bringing weapons for the purposes of hunting are restricted to the training areas east of NYS Route 26 and are not permitted at any time within the Fort Drum / WSAAF main cantonment areas. Personnel hunting in training areas are not required to register their weapons, unless they reside on post. All hunters must abide by state laws for ownership, transportation, use and requirements outlined in Fort Drum Regulation 420-3, Management of Natural Resources -- Hunting, Fishing, & Other Outdoor Recreation.
Military personnel with privately owned firearms may temporarily store them at the Directorate of Emergency Services arms room in Bldg. 10715, not to exceed 72 hours, if the following prerequisites have been met:
(1) They have not been assigned to a unit.
(2) They arrive after duty hours and their unit of assignment arms room is closed.
The desk sergeant will receive the weapon(s) / ammunition on DA Form 4137 (Evidence/Property Custody Document).
Soldiers who receive handguns in their household goods or hold baggage must immediately place the weapon in the unit arms room or store it at the DES, not to exceed 72 hours.
Firearms not retrieved within this timeframe will be considered abandoned property and may be disposed of as such.
Any firearm, crossbow or pellet firing weapon, (with a muzzle velocity over 600 FPS), purchased through AAFES at the Post Exchange must be registered at the DES before the individual taking possession of the firearm.
Weapons are registered by completing and submitting FD Form 601-E (Registration of Personal Firearm or Weapon), with the unit commander's approval, if a Soldier or Family Member. FD Form 601-E is currently available at the DES Desk, on the portal, and on this page by clicking HERE.
There are two ways to register weapons:
(1) Complete FD Form 601-E, print it, physically sign on page 2 (registrant and commander) and then turn-in at the DES desk sergeant window.
(2) Complete FD Form 601-E, electronically sign the form on page 2 (registrant and commander), and then email the form to Allow 48 hours for processing.
When the weapons have been registered, the DES will issue a Private Weapons Registration Card (FD Form 605) or computer generated ALERTS registration form to the individual to retain as verification that the weapons have been properly registered. The form(s) must be picked up in person at the MP Station, Bldg. 10715, and will have a raised seal to verify authenticity.
Control and Security
All military and civilian personnel entering the installation will deposit, store, safeguard, and control privately owned weapons and ammunition under the provisions of AR 190-11, paragraph 4-5, except as specified in paragraphs below.
Individuals occupying on-post family quarters, Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ), Visiting Officer Quarters (VOQ), Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ), or Senior Enlisted Bachelor Quarters (SEBQ) may retain authorized privately owned weapons and ammunition in their quarters. Weapons must be secured in a locked container. Ammunition and bolts/arrows must be stored in a locked metal container separately from weapons. No cartridge-firing / muzzle loading handgun may be kept in quarters, unless the owner is in possession of a valid New York State Pistol License. Unlicensed owners may store such handguns in their unit arms rooms or with a licensed firearms dealer.
Personnel residing in unit billets will store weapons, ammunition, and other authorized weapons in their unit's designated arms room. The keeping or storage of weapons, ammunition, and other weapons (i.e. crossbow / compound bow / recurve bow) in individual barracks rooms or in privately owned vehicles on the installation is strictly prohibited. Weapons will be stored in the unit arms room in accordance with AR 190-11, paragraph 4-5. Weapons, other than firearms, will be secured by the unit in a locked metal container.
Illegal weapons
It is illegal to possess any of the following weapons, unless they were registered as assault weapons by April 15, 2014, as required by the New York Safe Act or be permanently modified to remove the designated characteristic:
(1) Any semi-automatic rifle capable of receiving a detachable magazine and having one or more of the following features:
(a) Folding or telescoping stock.
(b) Protruding pistol grip.
(c) Thumbhole stock.
(d) Second handgrip or protruding grip that can be held by non-shooting hand.
(e) Bayonet mount or lug.
(f) Flash suppressor.
(g) Muzzle break.
(h) Muzzle compensator.
(i) A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a muzzle break or compensator.
(j) Grenade launcher.
(2) Any semi-automatic shotgun having one or more of the following features:
(a) Folding or telescoping stock.
(b) Thumbhole stock.
(c) Second handgrip or protruding grip that can be held by non-shooting hand.
(d) Fixed magazine capacity in excess of seven rounds.
(e) Ability to accept a detachable magazine.
(3) Any semi-automatic pistol having one or more of the following features:
(a) Folding or telescoping stock.
(b) Thumbhole stock.
(c) Second handgrip or protruding grip that can be held by non-shooting hand.
(d) Capacity to accept an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside the pistol grip.
(e) A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward hand grip, or silencer.
(f) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned.
(g) A manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded.
Assault weapons may no longer be purchased within New York state.
You may buy, sell, and possess any magazines that can hold up to 10 rounds, regardless of when it was manufactured.
Effective Jan. 15, 2014, any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds must be permanently modified to prevent loading of more than 10 rounds, responsibly discarded, or sold to a dealer or an out of state purchaser.
A Semi-Automatic Rifle License is required to purchase or take ownership of a semi-automatic rifle on or after Sept. 4, 2022. For more information on semi-automatic rifle purchases, refer to