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To provide foundational professional military education programs of instruction year-round at Fort Drum's NCOA that develop holistically fit, disciplined, well-educated professionals who are better prepared to meet the challenges of large-scale combat operations in a multi-domain environment.


Basic Leader Course

The Basic Leader Course focuses on six NCO Core Competencies (NCO-C3). These competencies are readiness, leadership, training management, communications, operations, and program management. BLC is designed to build basic leader and trainer skills needed to lead a team-size element, while providing the foundation for further development along the Professional Military Education (PME) learning continuum. Instruction at the BLC is accomplished through the use of the Army Experiential Learning Model (ELM) methodology. Lessons are facilitated in a small group setting with a collaborative approach, which allows the Soldiers to discover information and then apply it to new and ambiguous situations. Lessons include critical and creative thinking activities and exercises, which aid in learning. Facilitators assess the Soldiers’ leadership ability and potential through observing discussions and interactions.


Contact information:


Staff Duty: (315) 778-8187

Operations: (315) 772-8020

S-1: (315) 772-1343


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(315) 778-8187

Bldg. 4870, George Avenue

Fort Drum, NY 13602

Hours of Operation:

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Monday through Friday

Welcome Letter

Packing List