Chaplains provide comprehensive and relevant religious support and spiritual fitness programs to develop, grow, and nurture spiritual health and resilience for Soldiers, Family Members, and civilians in the Fort Drum community.
The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center is made up of a team of human resources professionals dedicated to supporting and empowering service members, civilian employees , families and veterans worldwide in an era of persistent conflict. The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center recruits, retains and sustains a high quality volunteer force through innovative and effective enterprise solutions and ensures human resources readiness of the Total Army across the full spectrum of operations.
Civilian Human Resources Agency provides the full range of human resources services to support a highly skilled and professional civilian workforce that supports national defense.
The Directorate of Emergency Services provides law enforcement, fire and emergency services and protection operations. Its main mission is to provide a safe and secure environment for the service members, civilians and families who work on, live on or visit our installation.
Fort Drum Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation delivers programs and services to Soldiers, Family Members, retirees, and civilians, enabling readiness and resilience for a globally responsive Army.
The Directorate of Human Resources provides the installation community with essential support services to enhance the quality of life for those who work, live, and raise families on post and and in the surrounding communities.
The Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) provides operational support to all elements on the installation in the following areas: regional, personnel and information security; installation emergency response planning and execution; mobilization, demobilization, deployment, and redeployment; coordination and synchronization of training on the installation; individual schooling and training; aviation management and operations; (regional) training aids, devices, simulators and simulations (TADSS) support; live training management and safety oversight (virtual and constructive under SGO); specified areas including the installation museum and operations center.
The Directorate of Public Works provides infrastructure, engineering resources, housing and facility management support and services incorporating sustainable development. It's DPW’s mission to ensure the long-term viability of the installation's ability to support the military commanders and post community, advancing environmental stewardship, community relations and quality of life.
The Directorate of Resource Management provides sound stewardship of financial and manpower resources to include professional analysis, advice and assistance to serviced customers.
The primary goal of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program is to manage workforce diversity and to maintain a discrimination-free workplace. The EEO Office ensures equal employment opportunity for civilians under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Team Drum generates, rapidly deploys, and sustains ready forces to meet national security requirements while caring for Soldiers, Families, and civilians.
The OSJA provides principled, well-researched, authoritative, and responsive counsel and premier legal services, as committed members and leaders in the legal and Army professions, in support of a dynamic Fort Drum community and the “Ready Now,” globally-engaged 10th Mountain Division.
The Plans, Analysis & Integration Office (PAIO) is the garrison commander's staff element for strategic and management planning for the installation. PAIO provides oversight of assigned programs; conducts analytical reviews; monitors Army baseline standards; captures and enables implementation of best business practices; and identifies, tracks, and orchestrates reporting of performance measures.
The Public Affairs Office supports the garrison by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal and external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies - including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach.
The top priority of the the installation safety office is to safeguard and protect service members, their families, civilian employees and Army property as well as to create the safest workplace and living environment possible.
The mission of Trial Defense Service is to provide a full range of defense legal services to Soldiers worldwide, at no cost to the Soldier. TDS representation is only provided to Soldiers facing adverse action in military jurisdiction.