Army makes resources available to help Soldiers, families during annual PCS season
Mike Strasser
Fort Drum Garrison Public Affairs
FORT DRUM, N.Y. (July 19, 2021) – Moving can be inconvenient even under ideal circumstances. Factor in complications from the COVID-19 pandemic, and transitioning from one duty station to another can become unduly stressful.
of station) moves.
The first step when receiving PCS orders is to set up an account with the Defense Personal Property System at, to upload orders and submit shipment applications. Service members should call or visit the installation transportation office to schedule the move, and plan the packing and shipping of their household goods. Counselors can assist with paperwork for booking shipment of household goods, provide information on entitlements and file reimbursement vouchers.
To speak with a counselor at Fort Drum, call (315) 772-6384.
The Fort Drum Directorate of Human Resources’ Military Personnel Division (MPD) can assist Soldiers with reassignments, official passports and outprocessing.
To schedule an MPD appointment, or for more information, call (315) 772-1255.
The Army PCS Move App is a helpful digital resource for information, with links, videos and interactive functions such as live chat. Military One Source,, also provides a 24/7 hotline at 1-833-645-6683 for customer support.
The Army also has made improvements to the PCS process and policies to provide a safe, quality and easier way to move. These include:
- Reimbursements for personally procured moves (PPMs), or do-it-yourself moves, have been increased to 100 percent of what it would have cost the government to use a DoD-assigned moving company.
- Soldiers can claim per diem allowance for meals and incidentals up to seven days without receipts.
- Have questions about moving household goods? The U.S. Transportation Command offers a 24/7 hotline at 1-822-MIL-MOVE.
A helpful list of moving tips and answers to the most common issues is available at